Creative Guts

NH Maker Fest 2024

Episode Summary

In this episode of Creative Guts, co-hosts Laura Harper Lake, Sarah Wrightsman, and Mike Durkee interview makers of all ages at the NH Maker Fest, hosted by the Children's Museum of New Hampshire, on June 1, 2024. The NH Maker Fest is an all-ages celebration of creativity and innovation, where makers can share their project, hobbies, experiments, and more with the community. At the Creative Guts booth, folks were welcome to participate in a mini-interview with some of the Creative Guts team, chatting about their creative pursuits and dreams. It was a joyful time as we chatted with 20 youngsters – some as young as 4-years-old – and a handful of adults with inspiring stories to tell, including local children's author Carolyn Watkins, Daniel of the Piece of Mind Podcast; and Stacy Lavin, president of Veterans in Performing Arts. Check out more about the NH Maker Fest at Listen to this episode wherever you listen to podcasts or on our website Be friends with us on Facebook at and Instagram at A special thank you to The Children’s Museum of New Hampshire for inviting us to join this event! This episode is sponsored in part by the Rochester Museum of Fine Arts. Thank you to our friends in Rochester for their support of the show. If you love listening, consider making a donation to Creative Guts! Our budget is tiny, so donations of any size make a big difference. Learn more about us and make a tax deductible donation at

Episode Notes

In this episode of Creative Guts, co-hosts Laura Harper Lake, Sarah Wrightsman, and Mike Durkee interview makers of all ages at the NH Maker Fest, hosted by the Children's Museum of New Hampshire, on June 1, 2024. The NH Maker Fest is an all-ages celebration of creativity and innovation, where makers can share their project, hobbies, experiments, and more with the community. 

At the Creative Guts booth, folks were welcome to participate in a mini-interview with some of the Creative Guts team, chatting about their creative pursuits and dreams. It was a joyful time as we chatted with 20 youngsters – some as young as 4-years-old – and a handful of adults with inspiring stories to tell, including local children's author Carolyn Watkins, Daniel of the Piece of Mind Podcast; and Stacy Lavin, president of Veterans in Performing Arts.

Check out more about the NH Maker Fest at

Listen to this episode wherever you listen to podcasts or on our website Be friends with us on Facebook at and Instagram at

A special thank you to The Children’s Museum of New Hampshire for inviting us to join this event! This episode is sponsored in part by the Rochester Museum of Fine Arts. Thank you to our friends in Rochester for their support of the show.

If you love listening, consider making a donation to Creative Guts! Our budget is tiny, so donations of any size make a big difference. Learn more about us and make a tax deductible donation at

Episode Transcription



[00:00:00] LHL: I'm Laura Harper Lake. 

[00:00:02] SW: And I'm Sarah Wrightsman. 

[00:00:02] LHL & SW: And you're listening to Creative Guts. 

[00:00:17] LHL: Hello. Thank you for joining us on Creative Guts.

[00:00:20] SW: Today, we are at the New Hampshire Children's Museum in Dover, New Hampshire for the 2024 Maker's Fest. 

[00:00:27] LHL: We're conducting mini-interviews with folks of all ages. Some as young as four. And it's been a really exciting, fun, and educational experience.

[00:00:38] SW: Get ready to smile, because some of these interviews are hilarious. 

[00:00:43] LHL: We're going to jump right into this episode of Creative Guts with a montage of folks at the Maker's Fest. 


[00:00:53] LHL: And what's your name? 

[00:00:53] Daniel: Daniel.

[00:00:54] LHL: It's nice to meet you, Daniel. And do you like to do art? Or do you like to listen to music? Do you like to dance? 

[00:01:02] Daniel: Bike riding.

[00:01:03] LHL: You like bike riding? That's awesome.

[00:01:06] Daniel: And I have a fast bike.

[00:01:09] LHL: Oh, very cool.

[00:01:10] Daniel: Goes, "Zoom."

[00:01:13] LHL: So you have a need for speed then.

[00:01:15] Daniel: Yeah.

[00:01:15] LHL: Got to go fast. 

[00:01:17] Daniel: Yeah.

[00:01:17] LHL: That's great. 

[00:01:19] Daniel: [inaudible 00:01:19] added on it. 

[00:01:23] LHL: Oh. What's your favorite color, Daniel?

[00:01:26] Daniel: Green.

[00:01:26] LHL: Green?

[00:01:27] Daniel: Yeah.

[00:01:28] LHL: Very cool. And what's your favorite smell?

[00:01:30] Daniel: Banana bread.

[00:01:33] LHL: Ooh. Does one of your parents make banana bread?

[00:01:35] Daniel: Yeah.

[00:01:36] LHL: Ooh. That sounds – 

[00:01:38] Daniel: Both does them.

[00:01:40] LHL: They both do? Very cool.

[00:01:41] Daniel: Yeah. And we eat [inaudible 00:01:44] at home [inaudible 00:01:46]. 

[00:01:50] LHL: So you're a big fan of the culinary arts. Banana bread. What is your favorite sound? 

[00:01:57] Daniel: Yeah. I like “zoom-zoom”.

[00:02:01] LHL: Zoom-zoom?

[00:02:03] Daniel: Yeah. [inaudible 00:02:04] sound. Two “izm” sounds. Like “vroom-vroom-vroom”.

[00:02:11] LHL: Very cool. And what is your favorite taste? What do you like to eat? 

[00:02:17] Daniel: It looks like banana bread – 

[00:02:19] LHL: Banana bread takes the top again. What’s your favorite thing to touch, like on your hand? 

[00:02:26] Daniel: Stuff like slime. 

[00:02:30] LHL: Slime. Ooh. And it gets all in your fingers. Well, thank you for being on the podcast, Daniel. 

[00:02:37] CW: Hi. I'm Carolyn Watkins. I'm a local children's author. I live in Dover, New Hampshire. And I'm Trailblazer Books.

[00:02:46] LHL: That's amazing. So tell us about the books that you make.

[00:02:49] CW: Well, I have a series going on. Charlotte is the main character. She helps kids figure out difficult situations in a very positive and goodwill way. The first book is I Don't Want to Move. The second book is going to be Tomorrow's Trailblazer: A Story of Change & Growth

[00:03:11] LHL: Wow. How long have you been working on these, the series? 

[00:03:16] CW: The series started in 2022. The book before the series was The Knock: A Collection of Childhood Memories. That's about my personal experience when my dad went to Vietnam and came home and the transitions the families went through.

[00:03:36] LHL: Wow.

[00:03:37] CW: So it was a story of reflection to say the least. It has two levels. Level one is for younger kids, 6 to 8. And level two is 9 to 12 with more connections and a higher level of thinking. 

[00:03:54] Mike: So were these like separate books that you have? 

[00:03:57] CW: Completely separate. 

[00:03:59] Mike: This version that version of it. 

[00:03:59] CW: Yeah. 

[00:04:00] Mike: What made you do that? 

[00:04:01] CW: I entered a contest and they said the book would do better if it was at a more middle-school level.

[00:04:11] Mike: Ah. So like out of necessity, basically. 

[00:04:14] CW: Yeah. 

[00:04:15] Mike: And so, you have these books that are I imagine pretty deep and pretty like big personal connection to them and more serious than the children's books in a way. What was that shift? Why did you shift into a children's book? What inspired that? 

[00:04:31] CW: That's a good question. The Knock was my first story. It was something I wanted to do for my dad because he had passed as a Vietnam vet. And then it made me – I think I got the bug. The writer's bug. And it just made me think of other ways of helping kids. Because I'm a retired school teacher. 

[00:04:55] Mike: Ah. Well, there it is. There it is.

[00:04:58] CW: Yeah. I was a retired school teacher who went into real estate. And I saw a young family struggling when they had to move. That's why I wrote I Don't Want to Move

[00:05:08] LHL: Oh, wow.

[00:05:09] CW: And real estate is now shifted.

[00:05:12] Mike: Yeah. 

[00:05:13] CW: So I'm shifting.

[00:05:15] Mike: That makes perfect sense. The thing that I see in both of these is like, there was another person or another audience that you had that you were looking to serve in a way. And I think great art serves some sort of audience. It's easy to make art that like serves yourself and to express yourself. But it's like you have somebody else in mind. I love that.

[00:05:34] CW: There has to be a purpose to it. A need to it. And it's finding that. 

[00:05:39] LHL: And where can people find your books? 

[00:05:42] CW: They can go to my website, I actually have a store there. And if they're not comfortable with that, they can go to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, any place where books are sold. Barnes & Noble will order the book for someone.

[00:05:59] LHL: Oh, that's wonderful. 

[00:05:59] Mike: That’s so cool. 

[00:06:01] CW: Yeah. 

[00:06:01] LHL: Oh, thank you so much for being on the podcast. We love hearing about this stuff. And this is just really inspiring.

[00:06:06] CW: Thank you. Thank you for having me. 

[00:06:07] Mike: Yeah. That was such a neat backstory. Thank you so much for sharing that.

[00:06:13] LHL: What is your name? 

[00:06:14] Genevieve: Genevieve.

[00:06:15] LHL: Genevieve, it's so nice to have you on the Creative Guts podcast. Thanks for being here. What kind of creative stuff do you like to do? 

[00:06:22] Genevieve: I like to make art.

[00:06:24] LHL: What kind of art do you make? 

[00:06:27] Genevieve: I draw pictures.

[00:06:28] LHL: What kind of pictures do you draw?

[00:06:31] Genevieve: Pictures with mommy and daddy in it.

[00:06:34] LHL: Oh, that’s so great. Do you draw anything outside, or any houses, or pets, or anything else? Or is it usually just people in your pictures?

[00:06:44] Genevieve: Usually, just people and kites.

[00:06:46] LHL: Oh, I love that. And Genevieve, what is your favorite color?

[00:06:51] Genevieve: Purple and pink.

[00:06:54] LHL: Purple and pink. That’s so great. And what is your favorite sound?

[00:06:59] Genevieve: I don’t know.

[00:07:01] LHL: That’s okay. Is there a certain smell or food that you like to smell or taste?

[00:07:07] Genevieve: I like mac and cheese.

[00:07:09] LHL: Mac and cheese. That is a good smell and a good taste. Very cool. And what type of TV show do you like to watch? 

[00:07:19] Genevieve: Bluey.

[00:07:20] LHL: Bluey. Oh, very cool. And what do you want to be when you grow up, Genevieve? Do you have any dreams of what you want to do someday?

[00:07:27] Genevieve: I want to work at a hospital.

[00:07:31] LHL: Oh, you want to work at a hospital. Genevieve, how old are you?

[00:07:36] Genevieve: Four. 

[00:07:36] LHL: Are you having fun today?

[00:07:37] Genevieve: Yeah.

[00:07:37] LHL: Oh, great. That’s excellent. Well, thanks so much for being on the podcast. Good job, Genevieve. Thanks so much.

[00:07:45] Genevieve: You’re welcome. 

[00:07:49] LHL: Hi, Gloria. Thanks for being on the Creative Guts podcast. 

[00:07:52] Gloria: You’re welcome. 

[00:07:53] LHL: Are you excited to be here today at the Maker’s Fest?

[00:07:55] Gloria: Yes.

[00:07:56] LHL: And are you a maker yourself? Do you like to do art, or music, or dance?

[00:08:01] Gloria: Yes.

[00:08:01] LHL: What do you like to do?

[00:08:03] Gloria: Art and music.

[00:08:04] LHL: Oh. So tell me about the art that you like to make.

[00:08:07] Gloria: I like doing popup houses and doing [inaudible 00:08:11] Baldo paintings and pictures.

[00:08:17] LHL: Popup houses? Like papers that kind of like opens up?

[00:08:19] Gloria: Yes.

[00:08:20] LHL: Oh, my – how do you learn how to do that?

[00:08:23] Gloria: Art class with a really good art teacher. 

[00:08:27] LHL: Oh, that’s so fun. Are they like pretty big or small? Or what’s the size? 

[00:08:32] Gloria: They’re probably like medium-sized. They’re not tiny. They’re not huge.

[00:08:38] LHL: That’s so great. Do you want to talk about the music? Do you play an instrument at all?

[00:08:43] Gloria: Yes. I play the xylophone, a drum. And that’s technically all I’ve played.

[00:08:50] LHL: Do you play in school? Or do you play outside of school?

[00:08:52] Gloria: Booth.

[00:08:54] LHL: Ooh. Very fun. And what type of music do you like to play?

[00:08:57] Gloria: Just like slow songs with choruses and melodies.

[00:09:01] LHL: Oh, my gosh. And how old are you?

[00:09:04] Gloria: I’m seven.

[00:09:05] LHL: Wow. Very accomplished for seven. I think you should be really proud about all the creative stuff that you do. It’s a lot of fun to do all these things?

[00:09:12] Gloria: Yeah.

[00:09:12] LHL: Yeah? And what’s your favorite color?

[00:09:16] Gloria: Teal.

[00:09:16] LHL: Oh, that is our logo color. That’s so great. And what is your favorite sound?


[00:09:24] Gloria: Music.

[00:09:24] LHL: Music. And what is your favorite smell? Your favorite scent?

[00:09:30] Gloria: Chocolate.

[00:09:30] LHL: Ooh. And what is your favorite texture to touch? Like your favorite – 

[00:09:35] Gloria: Slime. 

[00:09:37] LHL: Oh. Someone else said slime today, too. I think that might be a popular one with the youngsters. So that makes sense. And what is one creative thing that you want to try someday that you haven’t done yet?

[00:09:51] Gloria: Gymnastics. 

[00:09:52] LHL: Oh, very cool.

[00:09:53] Maxene: I do gymnastics, you know?

[00:09:55] LHL: That’s awesome. Very cool. Well, thank you so much for being on the podcast. I really appreciate it. And one last question. What do you want to be when you grow up someday?


[00:10:06] Gloria: A gymnastics teacher. 

[00:10:07] LHL: A gymnastics teacher. That’s so great. Oh, Gloria, you’ve been so fun to chat with today. I can’t wait to hear and see all the cool things that you do in your creative future. 

[00:10:18] Gloria: Thank you. 

[00:10:19] LHL: Yeah. Maxene, thanks for being on the Creative Guts podcast. And how old are you?

[00:10:26] Maxene: I am four.

[00:10:28] LHL: Four years old? 

[00:10:29] Maxene: Yes.

[00:10:30] LHL: And do you like to do art?

[00:10:32] Maxene: Well, I like to play with my toys at home.

[00:10:38] LHL: That sounds really fun. What kind of toys do you play with? 

[00:10:41] Maxene: Hmm. I play with all of them. But when it’s Christmas, even my birthday, I will have – for my birthday, I’ll get a Gabby Dollhouse cruise ship. And then from Santa Clause, I’m going to get Gabby dollhouse.

[00:10:56] LHL: Oh, that sounds really fun. So there’s like a whole house that you get to play with all your toys in?

[00:11:01] Maxene: Yes.

[00:11:02] LHL: Oh. And then I think I heard you say that you like gymnastics.

[00:11:06] Maxene: Yeah. I do like gymnastics. And they also come to my [inaudible 00:11:10] school. And they like to come to some other classes.

[00:11:15] LHL: Oh, very neat. 

[00:11:15] Maxene: So when I grow up, I’m going to become – in Gloria’s school. 

[00:11:20] LHL: When you grow up, you’re going to be what? 

[00:11:22] Maxene: I’m going to be grown up to be in Gloria’s school.

[00:11:26] LHL: At Gloria’s school?

[00:11:28] Maxene: Yup.

[00:11:29] LHL: Oh, very cool. And what is your favorite color?

[00:11:35] Maxene: I like pink.

[00:11:36] LHL: Pink. You’ve both got pink on today. I love pink. I’ve got pink in my hair, if you didn’t notice.

[00:11:41] Maxene: Well, I don’t have pink. I have noodles and some shorts.

[00:11:46] LHL: Your hat has a little pink in it. 

[00:11:48] Maxene: Yeah. I know.

[00:11:48] LHL: Yeah. What’s your favorite smell? 

[00:11:51] Maxene: Hmm. Well, my favorite smell is the smell of [inaudible 00:11:55] stuff. 

[00:11:58] LHL: Scented stuff?

[00:11:58] Maxene: Yeah.

[00:11:59] LHL: Oh, yeah. I mean, you never know what you’re going to get. And what is your favorite sound to hear?

[00:12:07] Maxene: My favorite sound is people who are clapping and talking.

[00:12:13] LHL: Clapping and talking. And what’s your favorite texture to touch?

[00:12:18] Maxene: Hmm. Well, my favorite texture is strawberry and blueberries.

[00:12:25] LHL: Strawberries and blueberries. Like in your mouth when you’re eating them? Or like just touching them on the outside?

[00:12:31] Maxene: Eating them and touching them. 

[00:12:32] LHL: Oh, so kind of all of it. I love it. Maxene, is there anything else you want to share with us today?

[00:12:37] Maxene: Well,  can I tell you what daddy does? He grows blueberries and strawberry.

[00:12:44] LHL: Wow. Oh. Blueberries are my favorite food actually. So I love blueberries.

[00:12:48] Maxene: [inaudible 00:12:48].

[00:12:52] LHL: See all the shadows?

[00:12:53] Maxene: Yeah.

[00:12:57] LHL: Oh, you guys are so wonderful. Thank you being on the show.

[00:13:01] LHL: I’m Laura. And this is Sarah. It’s nice to meet you, Cali. So do you like creative things? 

[00:13:07] Cali: Yeah.

[00:13:08] LHL: Which one are you into the most?

[00:13:11] Cali: Probably like art. 

[00:13:11] LHL: Nice. What kind of art do you do?

[00:13:14] Cali: I don’t know. I just like drawing.

[00:13:17] LHL: Drawing? Nice. Is there anything in particular you like to draw?

[00:13:20] Cali: No. Not really.

[00:13:21] LHL: Just all of everything? 

[00:13:22] Cali: Yeah.

[00:13:22] LHL: Nice. 

[00:13:23] SW: Cool. What do you like to draw with?

[00:13:26] Cali: I probably will sketch with like pencils and stuff.

[00:13:30] SW: Okay. That’s great.

[00:13:32] LHL: Very cool. Do you like to watch creative things? Do you have a favorite movie or show that you really like?

[00:13:40] Cali: No. I like a lot of movies and shows. So that’s really hard for me.

[00:13:44] LHL: Oh, that’s so tough. What’s something that you’re really into lately?

[00:13:48] Cali: Reading. 

[00:13:51] SW: Oh, what’s your favorite book?

[00:13:53] Cali: I cannot decide.

[00:13:57] LHL: Well, what are just a couple that you like? It doesn’t have to be your favorite.

[00:14:00] Cali: I really like Sweet Valley Twins. 

[00:14:03] LHL: Ooh. 

[00:14:04] Cali: The Baby-Sitters Club.

[00:14:05] LHL: Oh, I love Baby-Sitters. I used to read them all the time. That’s so cool. Do you read like Harry Potter?

[00:14:10] Cali: Yeah.

[00:14:11] LHL: Harry Potter is so great.

[00:14:14] SW: I love that our stuff is still cool.

[00:14:15] LHL: Yeah.

[00:14:15] SW: Baby-Sitters Club? Like, cool.

[00:14:17] LHL: Yeah. It’s very reassuring. So should we do rapid-fire?

[00:14:21] SW: Absolutely. Cali, what’s your favorite color?

[00:14:24] Cali: Periwinkle.

[00:14:25] SW: Oh. 

[00:14:26] LHL: So specific.

[00:14:27] SW: Oh, what a good answer. 

[00:14:28] LHL: Wow. Very cultured young person right here. I love that. What is your favorite scent?

[00:14:35] Cali: I don’t know. Maybe like the ocean. 

[00:14:39] LHL: That’s a good one. 

[00:14:41] SW: Good one. Do you have a favorite sound?

[00:14:43] Cali: No. 

[00:14:45] LHL: Do you have favorite texture to touch? Like something on your hands that you like the feel of?

[00:14:51] Cali: Not really.

[00:14:53] LHL: No? That’s okay. And what do you want to be when you grow up?

[00:14:56] Cali: I really don’t know. 

[00:14:58] LHL: That’s okay. 

[00:14:59] SW: Totally fair. Yup.

[00:15:00] LHL: A lot of us are still figuring it out. 

[00:15:01] SW: Same, same. Anything else do you want to share with our listeners? 

[00:15:07] Cali: Not really. 

[00:15:08] SW: Okay. Well, thank you so much, Cali, for being on the Creative Guys podcast. 

[00:15:12] Cali: Thank you. 

[00:15:16] LHL: Can you say your name again? 

[00:15:17] Cameron: Cameron. 

[00:15:18] LHL: Cameron. Thanks for being on the Creative Guts podcast. It’s really nice to meet you. I’m Laura.

[00:15:22] SW: And I’m Sarah.

[00:15:24] LHL: And we’re really excited to talk to you. So do you like to do creative things? Like what do you like to do?

[00:15:31] Cameron: Dance. 

[00:15:31] SW: You like to dance?

[00:15:34] LHL: What kind of dances do you do?

[00:15:36] Cameron: Karate. 

[00:15:38] SW: Oh. Very cool.

[00:15:39] LHL: Karate dance? That sounds very neat. 

[00:15:43] SW: At the end of the day, it’s just all about moving your body. 

[00:15:46] LHL: Mm-hmm. And what kind of music do you like to listen to when you’re doing your karate dancing?

[00:15:49] Cameron: Sonic.

[00:15:50] LHL: Like Sonic the Hedgehog?

[00:15:51] Cameron: Yeah.

[00:15:52] LHL: Oh, cool. Like the music from the soundtrack?

[00:15:55] Cameron: Yeah. 

[00:15:56] LHL: Or the – do you play the videogame too?

[00:15:59] Cameron: Yeah.

[00:16:01] LHL: What do you like about that music?

[00:16:03] Cameron: That Sonic saves the turtle.

[00:16:07] SW: Oh, of course. Of course. We love that.

[00:16:11] LHL: And what is your favorite color?

[00:16:14] Cameron: Red. 

[00:16:15] SW: What’s your favorite food?

[00:16:18] Cameron: French fries.

[00:16:19] SW: Oh, sure. Of course.

[00:16:21] LHL: What’s your favorite smell? Is it also French fries? Or is it something else? 

[00:16:25] Cameron: Vanilla.

[00:16:27] SW: Oh, good one.

[00:16:29] LHL: Yeah. 

[00:16:32] SW: What is your favorite sound?

[00:16:34] Cameron: My favorite sound is [sound inaudible 00:16:37].

[00:16:45] SW: That might be one of the best answers we’ve ever gotten on the podcast. Thank you, Cameron.

[00:16:49] LHL: I agree.

[00:16:49] SW: That was amazing.

[00:16:50] LHL: And Cameron, what do you want to be when you grow up?

[00:16:52] Cameron: A firefighter. 

[00:16:53] LHL: Very cool. Nice. That is awesome, Cameron. And can you wave and say hi?

[00:17:01] Cameron: Hi. 

[00:17:03] LHL: Great job. Cameron, you are so fun to talk to. Is this your first podcast that you’ve ever been on? 

[00:17:09] Cameron: Yeah. 

[00:17:10] LHL: Wow. You’re doing a great job.

[00:17:12] SW: It’s just talking. It’s really easy. Right?

[00:17:14] Cameron: Yeah.

[00:17:15] LHL: Yeah. Cool. Well, I think that’s all we’ve got for questions. Is there anything else you want to share with us?

[00:17:21] Cameron: I don’t know. 

[00:17:23] LHL: That’s totally fine. Did you have a fun time today?

[00:17:26] Cameron: Yeah.

[00:17:26] LHL: Yeah. Awesome.

[00:17:28] SW: Do you love the Children’s Musem?

[00:17:29] Cameron: Yeah.

[00:17:30] SW: Yeah. Me, too.

[00:17:31] LHL: It’s pretty cool.

[00:17:32] SW: It’s the best.

[00:17:34] LHL: Well, thanks again for being on the show, Cameron.

[00:17:38] SW: I really, really, really like your hat.

[00:17:40] Gibson: Thank you.

[00:17:41] SW: You’re welcome.

[00:17:42] LHL: Do you want to share your name again with us? 

[00:17:44] Gibson: I’m Gibson.

[00:17:45] LHL: You’re on the Creative Guts podcast. We’re so excited to have you hear. So what kind of creative things do you like to do?

[00:17:52] Gibson: Art. 

[00:17:53] SW: Yeah. What kind of art do you do? Do you do? Do you draw or paint?

[00:17:57] Gibson: I draw. 

[00:17:57] LHL: Yeah? What kind of things do you draw?

[00:18:00] Gibson: I draw Transformers and robots. Pretty much anything. 

[00:18:05] SW: Cool.

[00:18:06] LHL: What inspired – like the show the Transformers? Or like is there any type of thing that you’ve liked that has to do with robots?

[00:18:14] Gibson: Not much. I mean, I like – there’s that one movie, the Robots movie. I don’t remember when it was made. But – 

[00:18:24] LHL: Okay. That’s awesome. 

[00:18:25] SW: I love the Robots movie. 

[00:18:26] LHL: Very cool.

[00:18:27] SW: Yeah. Did you see the robots over on the other end of the Children’s Museum?

[00:18:30] Gibson: Yeah.

[00:18:31] SW: Did you drive them?

[00:18:32] Gibson: Yeah.

[00:18:32] SW: Oh, that’s so cool. There are robots down there that you can drive.

[00:18:36] LHL: Oh, my gosh. I didn’t know that.

[00:18:37] SW: Mm-hmm. Very cool. 

[00:18:40] LHL: I love that. So you like to do art. Is there any other type of creative thing that you like to do? Do you like listening to music?

[00:18:45] Gibson: Yes.

[00:18:45] LHL: Oh. What kind of music are you into?

[00:18:47] Gibson: Imagine Dragons, Weezer.

[00:18:50] LHL: Oh, my God. Good taste on this kid. Yeah.

[00:18:53] SW: Cool. Yeah. Cool taste.

[00:18:53] LHL: What’s your favorite Weezer song?

[00:18:56] Gibson: Probably Buddy Holly.

[00:19:00] LHL: “Ooh-wee-hoo.” Yeah. So good. 

[00:19:01] SW: Oh. What a good one. What are you doing over here? Amazing parenting.

[00:19:08] LHL: Yes. I would say so. And what do you want to be when you grow up?

[00:19:13] Gibson: A mechanic.

[00:19:14] LHL: Very cool. So you really like machines and everything like that.

[00:19:18] Gibson: Mm-hmm.

[00:19:18] SW: Cool.

[00:19:19] LHL: That’s excellent.

[00:19:20] SW: What’s your favorite color, Gibson?

[00:19:21] Gibson: Purple.

[00:19:22] SW: Purple.

[00:19:26] LHL: What is your favorite sound?

[00:19:28] Gibson: “Vroom.” Yeah.

[00:19:30] SW: That was beautiful.

[00:19:30] LHL: Okay. I need to get that on – Gibson. Oh, Gibson. Is it okay if we take a video of you? All right. Gibson, can we hear what your favorite sound is again?

[00:19:40] Gibson: “Vroom-vroom.”

[00:19:43] LHL: I love it. What’s your favorite food, Gibson?

[00:19:47] Gibson: Burritos.

[00:19:47] SW: Oh, good one. 

[00:19:50] LHL: Yeah. Oh, I want a burrito right now. What is your favorite scent?

[00:19:54] Gibson: Smell of chocolate. 

[00:19:58] SW: Ooh, chocolate.

[00:19:57] LHL: Oh, that’s a good one. Yeah.

[00:20:00] SW: Yeah.

[00:20:02] LHL: What is your favorite texture to touch on your hand?

[00:20:05] Gibson: Probably the texture of like dirt. Like the sort of crumbly dirt.

[00:20:12] LHL: Yeah. That’s a really good tactile feeling.

[00:20:14] SW: Mm-hmm. Absolutely. 

[00:20:18] LHL: Is there anything else you want to share with us today about anything you like to do or any creative stuff you’re into?

[00:20:22] Gibson: No. 

[00:20:24] LHL: You’re all good?

[00:20:24] Gibson: Yeah.

[00:20:26] LHL: Gibson, it has been so fun to talk with you today.

[00:20:27] Gibson: It’s been fun to talk to you. Thank you. 

[00:20:29] SW: Oh, thank you so much for being on the show.

[00:20:32] Gibson: Thank you.

[00:20:33] LHL: Yeah.

[00:20:33] SW: Yeah. Thank you. 

[00:20:36] LHL: And what’s your name?

[00:20:36] George: George.

[00:20:37] LHL: George. 

[00:20:38] SW: George.

[00:20:39] LHL: I’m Laura.

[00:20:40] SW: Welcome to Creative Guts. I’m Sarah.

[00:20:41] George: Hi. 

[00:20:42] SW: We’re happy to have you on the podcast.

[00:20:44] George: I’m, too. 

[00:20:45] LHL: So what kind of creative things are you into?

[00:20:48] George: Well, I like art and music.

[00:20:50] LHL: Very cool. 

[00:20:51] SW: Let’s start with art.

[00:20:51] LHL: Yeah. What art do you make?

[00:20:53] George: I draw stuff in like either pen or pencil.

[00:20:56] LHL: Very cool. What kind of stuff?

[00:20:59] George: I don’t know really. I usually like to draw people, which is fun to do.

[00:21:04] LHL: Nice. Very cool.

[00:21:05] SW: Drawing people is kind of hard.

[00:21:07] LHL: Yes. People are very hard. What kind of music do you like?

[00:21:13] George: I like any type of music really.

[00:21:15] SW: Oh, cool.

[00:21:15] LHL: Do you make music at all?

[00:21:16] George: Yeah. Sometimes. I make like beats.

[00:21:18] LHL: Beats.

[00:21:19] SW: Cool. How do you do that? Do you play an instrument?

[00:21:23] George: No. Not really. But there’s an app that I use to make music.

[00:21:29] SW: Cool.

[00:21:29] LHL: Do you sing along with it at all? Or is it just like instrumental?

[00:21:34] George: Usually just instrumental. 

[00:21:35] LHL: Nice. That’s so neat. Is there a certain type of instrument or creative thing that you want to do someday that you haven’t done yet?

[00:21:42] George: Yeah. Sure. 

[00:21:43] LHL: What kind of thing do you want to do?

[00:21:44] George: Maybe like musician?

[00:21:46] LHL: Like trying another type of instrument?

[00:21:48] George: Yeah.

[00:21:49] LHL: Nice.

[00:21:49] SW: Cool.

[00:21:49] LHL: I play a little electric ukulele. That’s what I play. It’s really fun. 

[00:21:57] LHL: What’s your favorite color, George?

[00:21:58] George: Green.

[00:21:58] SW: Green.

[00:22:00] LHL: Ooh. What’s your favorite sound?

[00:22:02] George: That’s hard.

[00:22:03] LHL: It is a hard one. A lot of people get stumped with that one.

[00:22:07] George: I like to hear people burp.

[00:22:09] SW: Oh. I think that’s a first for this podcast. So I definitely – 

[00:22:13] LHL: Applaud you.

[00:22:14] SW: Definitely a first. What’s your favorite food?

[00:22:18] George: I go to this restaurant The Nook. And they serve eggs Benedict, which is really cool.

[00:22:25] SW: I love eggs Benedict. Great answer. 

[00:22:27] LHL: And shoutout to The Nook.

[00:22:29] SW: Yeah. Right? The Nook in downtown Dover, New Hampshire.

[00:22:32] LHL: What about like a texture to touch? Like a feeling on your hand when you touch it? What’s your favorite?

[00:22:39] George: You know how like there’s these really soft blankets?

[00:22:41] LHL: Yeah. 

[00:22:42] George: And then when you rub your hand across it, it feels really soft.

[00:22:46] SW: Yes. Yup.

[00:22:46] George: I like that feeling.

[00:22:47] LHL: Oh, very cool.

[00:22:48] SW: I can almost feel it. What’s your favorite scent?

[00:22:52] George: That is a hard one. 

[00:22:54] SW: Mm-hmm. It is a hard one.

[00:22:57] George: I have no idea.

[00:22:58] LHL: That’s okay. You got plenty of time to figure it out. 

[00:23:00] SW: Yup.

[00:23:01] LHL: And what do you want to be when you grow up?

[00:23:05] George: I want to be a musician.

[00:23:06] LHL: Oh, very cool. What kind of music do you want to do? Beats? Or do you want to try some other type?

[00:23:11] George: I want to try some other types.

[00:23:13] SW: Very cool. Plenty of time to experiment.

[00:23:16] LHL: Well, I can’t wait to hear the music that you make someday in the future, George.

[00:23:20] George: Hopefully.

[00:23:20] LHL: When you become a musician in 20 years, I hope you reach back out to Creative Guts and we can interview you again.

[00:23:26] SW: Yeah.

[00:23:26] George: Yes.

[00:23:27] SW: Thank’s so much for being on the podcast, George. It was nice to meet you.

[00:23:30] George: You’re welcome. Nice to meet you, too.

[00:23:34] LHL: And what’s your name? 

[00:23:34] Genevieve: Genevieve.

[00:23:36] SW: Genevieve. Great name. Welcome to Creative Guts. I’m Sarah.

[00:23:41] LHL: You’re the second Genevieve today.

[00:23:42] SW: Wait. No. Wait. Really?

[00:23:44] LHL: I believe so. Unless – wait. Did we talk earlier – no. We had another Genevieve. Oh, I love it. 

[00:23:49] SW: That’s so funny.

[00:23:51] LHL: Prettiest names. We’re talking today with folks about creativity and the things that they love to do and make. So do you like to make stuff?

[00:23:59] Genevieve: Yeah. I sell things.

[00:24:01] SW: You do? Oh, tell us more.

[00:24:01] LHL: Okay. Fill us all in. 

[00:24:03] Genevieve: I’m making a website. I haven’t fully made it yet. But I’m selling these Axolotls. They’re 3D-printed. I have some in my bag. 

[00:24:15] LHL: Oh, could we see?

[00:24:16] Genevieve: Yeah. I sell them. 

[00:24:19] LHL: Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, that feels amazing.

[00:24:23] SW: Oh, my gosh. So cool. Listeners, you can’t see this. But just trust us. 

[00:24:28] LHL: Wow. So you 3D print those. 

[00:24:30] SW: That’s amazing.

[00:24:31] Genevieve: Yeah.

[00:24:32] LHL: And what are they called? 

[00:24:33] Genevieve: Axalotls. 

[00:24:35] LHL: Axalotls. That’s also a really fun word to say.

[00:24:38] SW: It is. It is.

[00:24:38] Genevieve: Yeah.

[00:24:41] LHL: How long have you been doing this for?

[00:24:42] Genevieve: Probably like two weeks. 

[00:24:44] LHL: Wow.

[00:24:45] SW: Oh, my God.

[00:24:45] LHL: And you’re already really great at it.

[00:24:46] Genevieve: Yeah.

[00:24:47] SW: And how old are you?

[00:24:48] Genevieve: 11.

[00:24:50] SW: 11-year-old entrepreneur.

[00:24:51] LHL: So how are you selling them? You’re selling them online, you said?

[00:24:54] Genevieve: I’m making a website. But I’ve been selling them at my school.

[00:24:57] SW: Ah, so cool.

[00:24:59] LHL: And do folks like name them when they get them and – 

[00:25:01] Genevieve: Yeah.

[00:25:02] LHL: Oh, that is so neat. Wow. What other creative stuff do you do?

[00:25:06] Genevieve: I like sewing and gardening.

[00:25:09] LHL: That’s awesome.

[00:25:11] SW: That’s so cool.

[00:25:12] LHL: I love that. I feel like you seem to have like a really inspired life. You’re doing lots of making and experiencing a lot of cool things. Yup.

[00:25:19] SW: How did you learn how to 3D print?

[00:25:22] Genevieve: So my dad has had 3D printers in the past and he likes to 3D print things with me. But he got me one. So I started making them. 

[00:25:31] LHL: I’m just so impressed. Applaud to you, Genevieve. This is really interesting.

[00:25:36] SW: Yeah. Very good. I love it.

[00:25:39] LHL: I know. I think I want to 3D print something someday. Like you’ve inspired me. I think that’s so neat.

[00:25:44] SW: I love it. 

[00:25:45] LHL: So what do you want to be when you grow up?

[00:25:47] Genevieve: I don’t really know.

[00:25:48] LHL: You got plenty of time. So that’s all good. 

[00:25:50] SW: Yeah. Yeah. 

[00:25:51] LHL: Is there a creative thing that you haven’t done yet that you want to try?

[00:25:54] Genevieve: Not really. I’ve tried a lot of things. We have a lot at my house.

[00:25:58] SW: What’s your favorite color?

[00:26:00] Genevieve: Purple.

[00:26:00] LHL: What is your favorite scent to smell?

[00:26:04] Genevieve: Lavander. 

[00:26:06] SW: Oh, also purple. I love that. 

[00:26:07] LHL: Yeah. It’s a theme here. What’s your favorite food? Is it something purple? 

[00:26:13] Genevieve: I don’t know what my favorite food is.

[00:26:16] LHL: Purple grapes. That’s okay. That’s all right. What’s your favorite sound? 

[00:26:22] Genevieve: The sound of the waves crashing on the ocean. 

[00:26:24] SW: Hmm. Very good one. What’s your favorite thing to touch? Do you have a favorite texture?

[00:26:28] Genevieve: Not really.

[00:26:29] SW: No.

[00:26:29] LHL: And is there a favorite place that you like to go to to be creative? Either at your home, or the woods, or your school. Where are you most creative?

[00:26:40] Genevieve: I usually make my ideas when I’m kind of walking around. But I like to go into my game room and make my ideas.

[00:26:46] SW: Cool.

[00:26:46] LHL: That’s wonderful.

[00:26:48] SW: Have you had fun today at the Maker’s Fest?

[00:26:49] Genevieve: Yes. It’s really awesome.

[00:26:50] SW: Yeah. That’s great. It is awesome.

[00:26:52] LHL: Is this your first time on a podcast?

[00:26:53] Genevieve: Yes.

[00:26:55] LHL: Very nice. Well, when you get older and you’re making all these cool things, you’ll have to reach out to us again.

[00:26:59] Genevieve: I’ll come back.

[00:27:00] LHL: We’ll be keen to talk to you again.

[00:27:01] SW: Yeah.

[00:27:02] LHL: Thank you so much, Genevieve, for talking with us today.

[00:27:05] Genevieve: You’re welcome.

[00:27:05] LHL: It was awesome.

[00:27:05] SW: It was great to meet you. 

[00:27:08] LHL: And what’s your name?

[00:27:09] Kat: My name is Kat. 

[00:27:11] SW: Great to meet you, Kat. Welcome to Creative Guts.

[00:27:13] Kat: Hello.

[00:27:14] SW: It’s so good to have you on the podcast.

[00:27:17] Kat: Thank you.

[00:27:17] LHL: Are you having fun today?

[00:27:18] Kat: Yeah.

[00:27:19] LHL: Nice. And so, what kind of creative stuff do you like to make?

[00:27:23] Kat: I like to draw and paint.

[00:27:25] SW: Cool. What kind of things do you like to draw?

[00:27:27] Kat: I like to draw people and animals.

[00:27:29] SW: Cool. Hard stuff.

[00:27:31] LHL: Yeah. What type of animals are your favorite to draw?

[00:27:34] Kat: Probably cats or foxes.

[00:27:38] SW: Oh, my gosh. 

[00:27:38] LHL: Foxes are my favorite animal. I love foxes. And when you tell someone that it’s your favorite animal, that makes everyone gets you that thing for the rest of your life. So I have a lot of fox things in my house.

So what other creative things do you want to do someday that you haven’t done?

[00:27:57] Kat: I probably want to learn to sew. 

[00:27:59] SW: Cool.

[00:28:00] LHL: I find that really hard and challenging. Have you ever seen cross-stitch stuff? Do you know what that is?

[00:28:07] Kat: I feel like I’ve heard of it before.

[00:28:09] LHL: Yeah. Sarah’s really good at it. I’m – 

[00:28:11] SW: You might like cross stitch or embroidery.

[00:28:14] LHL: It’s kind of like sewing but you kind of like sew it into a pattern so it makes a picture. 

[00:28:19] SW: Yup. You could do cute little cross-stitch animals.

[00:28:20] LHL: Little foxes.

[00:28:21] SW: Little foxes. 

[00:28:24] LHL: What’s your favorite color?

[00:28:26] Kat: My favorite color is purple or mint green. 

[00:28:29] SW: Oh, nice choices. What’s your favorite food?

[00:28:33] Kat: Pasta.

[00:28:35] SW: Pasta.

[00:28:35] LHL: Ooh. What’s your favorite scent?

[00:28:37] Kat: I like the smell of lemons. I don’t know.

[00:28:39] SW: Oh, I love that.

[00:28:39] LHL: Oh, I love the citrus smell. It’s so nice.

[00:28:42] SW: Yeah. What do you want to be when you grow up? 

[00:28:45] Kat: Probably a marine biologist.

[00:28:48] SW: Oh, cool.

[00:28:48] LHL: Oh, that’s awesome. So are you in the seacoast? Do you go by the water a lot?

[00:28:52] Kat: Yeah.

[00:28:52] LHL: Nice. Oh, that’s so great. Cool. And where is a place that you go to for your making ideas? Your creative thinking?

[00:29:01] Kat: Usually the beach.

[00:29:03] SW: The beach. Love it.

[00:29:05] LHL: I love that. That’s so great. Is there anything else you want to share with us today about creativity? 

[00:29:10] Kat: I don’t think so.

[00:29:11] LHL: That’s okay. Hey, you did a great job. It was so nice talking with you today.

[00:29:16] Kat: Thank you.

[00:29:16] SW: Yeah. Thank you so much, Kat, for coming on the show.

[00:29:20] LHL: And what is your name?

[00:29:20] Aden: My name is Aden Field. 

[00:29:22] LHL: It's nice to meet you, Aden. 

[00:29:23] SW: It's really nice to meet you. Welcome to Creative Guts.

[00:29:26] Aden: Hello.

[00:29:26] LHL: So what type of stuff are you into making? Are you a creative?

[00:29:30] Aden: I'm not very creative. But my dad is a mechanic. And I guess I'm kind of into that.

[00:29:37] LHL: Like building.

[00:29:37] Aden: Yeah. It's very interesting how a car works because it's a machine and how it works. It's all the combustion systems. And I just think it's amazing how this insanely complex device is everywhere in our day-to-day life and we don't even notice it. 

[00:29:53] LHL: I know. It's almost like we take it for granted. Because it has so many parts and so many moving pieces. And that's really impressive. So it's neat that you've got that engineering mind to think of that.

[00:30:05] Aden: Yup.

[00:30:04] SW: Have you been over the table that the Port City Maker space has over in that corner? They're teaching people how to weld or solder. Really cool.

[00:30:12] Aden: Oh, yeah. I've just been over there.

[00:30:13] SW: Yeah. So cool. Right? Yeah. Soldering. Yup.

[00:30:16] LHL: So are you – like in school and stuff, do you need to do art and things like that?

[00:30:23] Aden: Yeah. I do art and stuff. I'm not really big on art and stuff. I find it interesting how art is such a huge thing. But I don't find it like as a hobby to me. 

[00:30:35] LHL: It's not calling your name as a hobby.

[00:30:37] Aden: Yeah.

[00:30:37] LHL: What about music? Are you into music?

[00:30:40] Aden: I'm into music. I think music is a very good way to express yourself as it is everywhere. And it is endless. There's no right or wrong answer to music. It's a really good way to express yourself.

[00:30:53] LHL: Do you make music?

[00:30:53] Aden: No. I do not make music. I just listen to it. 

[00:30:57] LHL: And what are you listening to these days?

[00:30:58] Aden: I listen [inaudible 00:31:01] listen to this specific band called Dirty Heads.

[00:31:03] LHL: Oh, what kind of music do they play?

[00:31:05] Aden: Reggae. Californian Reggae.

[00:31:09] SW: Cool.

[00:31:10] LHL: That's really great. 

[00:31:11] SW: That's awesome. California Reggae.

[00:31:13] LHL: I like that. I'm going to have to check them out. Thanks for the recommendation. And so, what is your favorite color?

[00:31:19] Aden: My favorite color is just black.

[00:31:20] LHL: Nice.

[00:31:21] SW: What do you want to be when you grow up?

[00:31:22] Aden: I'm probably just got to follow the shoes of my dad. I'm just going to probably be a mechanic. He has his own little shop.

[00:31:26] LHL: That's cool.

[00:31:30] SW: Yeah.

[00:31:30] LHL: That's great. What is your favorite sound?

[00:31:34] Aden: It's like a really low sound. It's where it's quiet. But it's just that enough so that we can hear it.

[00:31:39] SW: Sounds cool. And what's your favorite food?

[00:31:42] Aden: I really like Italian food. I like pasta.

[00:31:45] LHL: Pasta. Ooh. Are you into any movies, books, or anything lately?

[00:31:49] Aden: I don't read a lot. But I watch a lot of Marvel. 

[00:31:54] LHL: Oh, nice. 

[00:31:55] SW: Oh, cool.

[00:31:55] Aden: Yeah. I'm really big into it. Yeah. 

[00:31:56] LHL: Who's your favorite in the cinematic Marvel universe?

[00:31:59] Aden: I'm going to say Star-Lord. 

[00:32:00] LHL: Okay.

[00:32:01] SW: Nice.

[00:32:01] Aden: Because he's just like – he's mostly ordinary. But the way he turned out, it's very interesting.

[00:32:08] LHL: Yeah. And he's so funny too. He's got such a good personality. 

[00:32:11] SW: That's awesome. Very cool.

[00:32:12] LHL: Is there anything else you want to share with us today?

[00:32:14] Aden: No.

[00:32:16] LHL: Well, you were so fun to talk to. Thank you for being on the Creative Guts podcast.

So what is your name?

[00:32:22] Elise: My name is Else Madison Arnold. 

[00:32:24] SW: Ha. Hello, Elise.

[00:32:26] LHL: Elise, nice to meet you. And we're excited to have you on the Creative Guts podcast. So where at the Maker's Fest today, how are you a maker? Do you like to make art, or dance, or music? What do you like to do?

[00:32:36] Elise: I sometimes like to do dances at my house. And I also like to do art and crafts.

[00:32:43] SW: Oh, yay.

[00:32:45] LHL: So what kind of art do you like to make?

[00:32:47] Elise: I like to make random stuff, like a heart with like a star in the middle. Yeah.

[00:32:55] SW: Cool. Do you like use crayons, or paint, or something else?

[00:33:00] Elise: I like to use markers and paint.

[00:33:03] SW: Okay. Very cool.

[00:33:03] LHL: Very cool. And you said you like to dance, too?

[00:33:05] Elise: Yeah.

[00:33:06] LHL: Ooh. That's great. What kind of dances do you like to do? Like just all different kinds or – 

[00:33:11] Elise: I like to make up my own and then I like make up some moves. And then I like put them all together. And then I do them all together.

[00:33:19] SW: Oh, my gosh. You're a choreographer. Oh, my gosh.

[00:33:21] LHL: Yeah. That is so amazing. And so, what is like the best music for you to dance to?

[00:33:26] Elise: I think the best music for me to dance to is rather Taylor Swift or Olivia Rodrigo.

[00:33:34] SW: Cool. Very cool.

[00:33:35] LHL: Nice. What's your favorite Taylor song?

[00:33:37] Elise: Shake it off. 

[00:33:38] LHL: Oh, that's a good one.

[00:33:40] SW: Oh, what a classic.

[00:33:40] LHL: It really is. So what is your favorite color?

[00:33:46] Elise: Cyan and purple. 

[00:33:47] LHL: Oh, my gosh. Yes.

[00:33:48] SW: Very specific. I love that. What do you want to be when you grow up?

[00:33:51] Elise: I want to be a firefighter.

[00:33:53] SW: Whoa. That's the second firefighter we've had today.

[00:33:55] LHL: Nice. Yeah, that's so great. And what is your favorite scent to smell?

[00:34:00] Elise: My favorite scent to smell is rather flowers or the smell of Craftivity. 

[00:34:09] LHL: Ooh. That's awesome.

[00:34:09] SW: Cool. What's your favorite food?

[00:34:11] Elise: My favorite food is green apples. 

[00:34:14] SW: Oh.

[00:34:15] LHL: And what is your favorite sound?

[00:34:18] Elise: My favorite sound? There are so many to choose from. I don't really know.

[00:34:27] LHL: That's okay.

[00:34:27] SW: That's totally okay. 

[00:34:30] LHL: And where do you go for creative inspiration to get like ideas?

[00:34:35] Elise: I sometimes go to my friend's house and I look around at her house and then I like do crafts with her sometimes. And I sometimes just look around my house and look at some things on the wall and some things around me and then I just color it.

[00:34:54] LHL: Oh, I love that.

[00:34:54] SW: That's wonderful. Yeah.

[00:34:56] LHL: Is there anything else you want to share with us today?

[00:34:59] Elise: Um – no. That's it.

[00:35:03] LHL: Okay. Well, you did a great job today. Thank you for being on the podcast.

[00:35:05] Elise: Thank you. You're welcome.

[00:35:08] SW: Welcome to Creative Guts. What's your name?

[00:35:11] Grayson: My name is Grayson.

[00:35:13] LHL: And so, what type of stuff do you like to make or create?

[00:35:16] Grayson: I mean, I really like to go off other people's art where I get drawing books and learn from them and create my own ideas. And I feel like drawing is like just a really important thing for someone. It's just like actually really cool to like come up with those ideas and then just draw mine on a piece of paper.

[00:35:36] LHL: That is so great. What other – like you said, drawing books. Is it like certain styles that you're into?

[00:35:41] Grayson: Yeah. Like 3D and like more realistic. Instead of just like cartoony drawings.

[00:35:47] LHL: Okay.

[00:35:48] Grayson: I mean, sometimes I make animations. Just like – yeah. And it's just honestly really cool. I love the feeling of it too. It’s just like, so calming.

[00:35:56] LHL: Do you draw a lot?

[00:35:58] Grayson: Yeah.

[00:35:59] LHL: Oh, that's so cool. 

[00:36:01] SW: What do you draw with? Do you like colored pencils, or crayons, or something else?

[00:36:04] Grayson: I really like just using a pencil. I don't really color.

[00:36:06] SW: Okay.

[00:36:06] LHL: Oh, okay. So like a nice graphite feel. 

[00:36:09] Grayson: Yeah. 

[00:36:10] LHL: Nice. How old are you, by the way?

[00:36:12] Grayson: Oh, I'm 10.

[00:36:14] SW: Great.

[00:36:14] LHL: Nice. Nice. That sounds so great. And so, you do like art in school and then art at home. Is there other creative stuff that you're into? Like music, or writing, or dancing, or cooking, or anything like that?

[00:36:25] Grayson: Yeah. A lot of people call me a good dancer. 

[00:36:29] LHL: Nice.

[00:36:30] Grayson: I really don't encourage myself that much. But – yeah.

[00:36:36] LHL: Do you have fun when you do it?

[00:36:37] Grayson: Yeah.

[00:36:37] LHL: Well, that's all that matters. Yeah.

[00:36:38] SW: That's all that – yeah. Moving your body and having fun. What do you want to be when you grow up?

[00:36:48] Grayson: I actually feel like it would be cool with like technology so like an astronaut – imagine just floating in space. Like – and how different objects and like solids would react. If you put water in space – I've seen like these different videos. If you put water in space, it would act like a Jell-O just floating in the air. It's actually so bizarre. And then there's other stuff like engineering, too. Like you can literally create the next thing to go to another universe. That would be the future. How cool that actually is?

[00:37:21] LHL: Grayson, you have such an imagination. I have a feeling you could be one of those astronauts doing the next thing.

[00:37:27] SW: Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah.

[00:37:30] LHL: I love that. It's so great. Man, anything else you want to share with us today?

[00:37:35] Grayson: No.

[00:37:35] LHL: Can I take your picture with you and your sister together?

[00:37:37] Grayson: Yes. Yes, please. Yeah. Please. Please. Please. All right. Get over here. 

[00:37:43] LHL: Ah. Look at these siblings. 

[00:37:46] SW: You guys get along so great.

[00:37:48] LHL: So cute. 

[00:37:49] Grayson: All right. That was epic. 

[00:37:49] SW: You both did an amazing job.

[00:37:51] Speaker: Not really. We don't get along – [off mic]

[00:37:53] LHL: Oh, it's just for show. You're in public. Me and my sister are the same way. I mean, even now, in our 30s. Still is possible that we could get into a fight. 

[00:38:07] Grayson: It's really hard when you have a younger sibling. They're actually really annoying sometimes.

[00:38:11] LHL: Do you guys ever dance together or do creative stuff?

[00:38:13] Speaker: No.

[00:38:14] LHL: You do totally separate thing.

[00:38:15] Speaker: We do totally – 

[00:38:17] Grayson: Yes. Yeah.

[00:38:19] Speaker: He actually ignores me when he's having playdates with people.

[00:38:24] LHL: Oh, my goodness. Well, that will happen with siblings.

[00:38:27] Grayson: Yes.

[00:38:28] SW: I too have a younger sibling. So I feel you, Grayson.

[00:38:32] Speaker: He always just – 

[00:38:34] Grayson: It sucks. 

[00:38:35] Speaker: He's always trying to impress his friends.

[00:38:37] SW: No. It's the best.

[00:38:39] LHL: Oh, so cool. 

[00:38:42] Speaker: Why do you do that? Why?

[00:38:43] Grayson: I don't know. I feel like it. 

[00:38:45] SW: Thank you, both, so much.

[00:38:48] LHL: You did so great today. Thank you for being on the show. And you should – wait. Do you want to say goodbye again?

[00:38:56] Grayson & Speaker: Bye. 

[00:38:59] LHL: Thank you, both. Thanks.


[00:39:04] SW: Hello. Stella, would you like to say something to our listeners?

[00:39:10] Speaker: You were just talking a second ago. I put you in front the mic and now you're shy again.

[00:39:14] SW: That's how it goes. That's how it goes. It's a lot of pressure once you get in the hot seat.

Yup. We've had lots of cute kids on the show. Stella is doing a great job. This is probably the best interview of the day.

[00:39:33] Speaker: So I feel like for shameless plug – 

[00:39:34] SW: We'd love to hear your creative stuff.

[00:39:38] Speaker: Well, so I think, actually, Stella's mama might actually be the one to talk to, because she is super modest. And she's super modest. She is the president of Veterans in Performing Arts.

[00:39:55] LHL: That's awesome.

[00:39:54] Speaker: And has won multiple awards with the Spotlight Award.

[00:39:59] SW: What? Get on the show!

[00:40:02] Speaker: Sho won both – let's see here. Critics’ Choice and Audience Choice for the same play. So was that one that you directed or co-directed for Bengal Tiger?

[00:40:16] Speaker: Codirected. Yes. Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo, which was actually Robin Williams' last play on Broadway before he passed. 

[00:40:26] LHL: Wow. Can you share your name and just tell us a little bit more about it? Because this is really fascinating. 

[00:40:31] Suzie: Okay. So my name is Suzie Lavigne. And I am an Air Force veteran. And I am also the president of a Theater called Veterans in Performing Arts. So we've been on hiatus for about the last five years due to Covid and people having babies. 

[00:40:46] LHL: Sure. Sure. Yup.

[00:40:50] Suzie: But we've done multiple shows around the seacoast and at West End Theatre, and The Players' Ring. We have a few awards. Best Play for Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo, to which our friend, Don Gettler, I believe, won Best Supporting Actor for his portrayal. One of the Hussein kids. And then our good friend, Scott Deegan, won Best Actor for another play we did called All the Way. About the 60s and the Civil Rights Movement, which is so prevalent even today with all that's going on. So we're hoping to get back to it with One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Next here within the next year or so. 

[00:41:31] SW: Cool.

[00:41:31] LHL: That is going to be an amazing production. How did you get involved in this?

[00:41:36] Suzie: So I did theater when I was in high school. I'm more of a behind-the-scenes kind of girl. But I've always loved it. And then when I came back after I separated from the Air Force, a good friend of mine, Jonathan [Name inaudible 00:41:50], he has done a bunch of plays in the seacoast since he was probably in his 20s or so. At Prescott Park Arts Festival, I reconnected with him and they were having auditions. And that was back in 2013. And here we are now.

[00:42:06] LHL: Oh, wow. That's so amazing

[00:42:07] SW: That's so cool. Is there like a website or a social media so we can see when plays are going to happen?

[00:42:14] Suzie: Absolutely. We do have a Facebook page, and it's under VIPA-Veterans in Performing Arts.

[00:42:23] LHL: That is so great. We will tag you when the episode comes out. We'd love to share that. 

[00:42:26] SW: Absolutely. 

[00:42:29] Suzie: Thank you so much.

[00:42:28] SW: This is so cool. It was so great to meet you.

[00:42:30] Suzie: It was great meeting you. And thank you for being here at the Children's Museum for Maker's day.

[00:42:35] SW: Absolutely. Yeah. Thanks for coming.

[00:42:35] LHL: I know. This is so great. Good for you for shining the light on that, because she was not so sure at first, I think.

[00:42:41] SW: No.

[00:42:41] Speaker: This is one of my fun piece trivia, too, with Veterans in Performing Arts. So John Pollono, who wrote and star in the movie Small Engine Repair, at the end of the credits it even says, "Special thank you to Veterans in Performing Arts." 

[00:42:55] LHL: Oh, wow. Yeah.

[00:42:56] SW: That's so cool. 

[00:42:59] Suzie: It's impactful. We took his stage show and then our artistic director, Jonathan [Name inaudible 00:43:04] is very good about reaching out to the playwrights and actors who have either start on Broadway to invite them to come to our shows. So we had Rajiv Joseph, who was a Pulitzer Prize nominee for Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo. He came to our opening night along with a gentleman who played Brad on Broadway. 

[00:43:25] Speaker: Brad [inaudible 00:43:25]. Yeah.

[00:43:27] Suzie: Yeah. Brad [inaudible 00:43:28]. 

[00:43:28] LHL: Oh, wow. 

[00:43:28] Suzie: And then they all came back with John Pollono when we did the production of Small Engine Repair

[00:43:35] LHL: Wow.

[00:43:35] SW: Oh, my gosh.

[00:43:37] LHL: This is like the magic of this day. Like we just never know who we're going to run into. And that's so fantastic. Thank you for sharing all that with us.

[00:43:42] SW: Yes. Thank you.

[00:43:44] Suzie: Awesome. It's been a pleasure. Thank you so much for having me on.

[00:43:49] SW: This is awesome. Oh, it's fantastic.

[00:43:52] LHL: Is your little one into making art? Does she play with art at all? Or not yet?

[00:43:57] Suzie: We're getting in there. So she just turned a year old. And so, right now she's really kind of like into books. She made some spin art today. But, yeah. We're not afraid for her to put crayons in her mouth. 

[00:44:08] SW: Absolutely. 

[00:44:11] Suzie: We'll start with that. 

[00:44:12] LHL: She's so precious.

[00:44:13] SW: That's great. 

[00:44:15] LHL: All right. And what is your name?

[00:44:18] Ella: I'm Ella.

[00:44:18] LHL: Ella, it's nice to meet you. So what do you like to make? Like do you like to do art, or music, or dancing, or – 

[00:44:24] Ella: Music. 

[00:44:26] LHL: You like music. Okay.

[00:44:26] Ella: I like writing songs.

[00:44:27] LHL: You write songs? Do you play an instrument?

[00:44:30] Ella: No.

[00:44:31] LHL: No? So you write the lyrics?

[00:44:34] Ella: Yes. 

[00:44:35] LHL: Very cool. So do you perform these in front of anybody? Or is it just sort of for yourself?

[00:44:40] Ella: Sometimes I perform some songs.

[00:44:43] LHL: Oh, nice. That's so cool. At school or just in front of people? Friends?

[00:44:48] Ella: Friends.

[00:44:48] LHL: Friends. Okay. That's great. And do you like to do any visual arts at all?

[00:44:55] Ella: Yeah. But I don't really do it a lot. 

[00:44:58] LHL: Not do it too much. Yeah. Okay. Great. And what is your favorite color?

[00:45:04] Ella: My favorite color is purple.

[00:45:06] LHL: Purple. Okay. Great. What is your favorite scent?

[00:45:10] Ella: Lavander.

[00:45:11] LHL: Lavander. That's also purple. What is your favorite sound?

[00:45:18] Ella: When you [inaudible 00:45:20] and just does bubbles and you can just pop it.

[00:45:23] LHL: Oh, nice. What is your favorite thing to eat? What is your favorite thing to taste?

[00:45:29] Ella: Chips.

[00:45:30] LHL: Chips. Yup.

[00:45:31] SW: What kind?

[00:45:33] Ella: Salt and vinegar.

[00:45:35] LHL: Oh. Very specific taste right there. You either love it or you hate it. And what is your favorite thing to touch? Like the feeling of something on your hand?

[00:45:45] Ella: My cat, Todd. I have two cats. Todd and Tim.

[00:45:49] LHL: Oh. But you like Todd – touching Todd better? Is he softer?

[00:45:53] Ella: No. No. I like touching both of them. They're very soft. It's just Tim hides a lot.

[00:45:59] LHL: Oh. A little bit less game for some pets. 

[00:46:03] Ella: Yes.

[00:46:04] LHL: Yes. And what do you want to be when you grow up?

[00:46:08] Ella: Definitely a singer.

[00:46:10] LHL: Nice. Who are some singers that you really love?

[00:46:14] Ella: Jack Johnson, Ariana Grande. 

[00:46:17] LHL: Nice.

[00:46:18] Ella: Billie Eilish.

[00:46:19] LHL: I love her.

[00:46:21] Ella: That's all I can think of right now.

[00:46:23] LHL: Those are great ones though. That's so great. You got some good inspiration right there. 

[00:46:27] Ella: Mm-hmm. 

[00:46:27] LHL: And is there a creative thing that you want to try someday that you haven't done yet? Like do you want to learn an instrument or do some other type of – 

[00:46:34] Ella: I want to go bungee jumping. 

[00:46:36] LHL: Bungee jumping.

[00:46:38] Ella: Or jump off an airplane. Parachuting, I think.

[00:46:41] LHL: Wow. That is guts. That is very courageous. You could not pay me any amount of money to do that, because I'm a scaredy cat. But I applaud you, Ella, for really going for it. That is so cool. Is there anything else you want to share on the podcast?

[00:46:57] Ella: One thing that I would like to share is that don't be sad or mad of whoever you are if you don't like yourself. Just be happy about yourself. 

[00:47:08] LHL: Ella, that is such beautiful and lovely advice. And I really appreciate you sharing that, because people need to hear that more often. That's really good. Well, thank you for being on the podcast.

[00:47:18] Ella: Thank you for letting me be on the podcast.

[00:47:20] LHL: Absolutely. 

Hi. Do you want to say your name into the mic?

[00:47:24] Harper: My name is Harper.

[00:47:25] LHL: So what type of stuff do you like to do that's creative?

[00:47:29] Harper: I like to do art.

[00:47:31] LHL: Nice. So what type of art do you like to make?

[00:47:34] Harper: Any.

[00:47:34] LHL: Any. Do you like to draw or paint?

[00:47:37] Harper: I like to draw more. But sometimes I like to paint.

[00:47:39] LHL: Yeah. And what type of stuff do you draw?

[00:47:43] Harper: I draw trees or people.

[00:47:45] LHL: Trees or people. Okay. I love that. And do you tend to go for like a lot of colors? Or is it more like a pencil and black and white type?

[00:47:54] Harper: It kind of depends on the mood.

[00:47:56] LHL: Yeah. Nice. When you're doing art, what else is going on? Are you listening to music? Are you watching TV? Or is it just you focusing totally on the art?

[00:48:06] Harper: It kind of depends. Sometimes I find it inspiration. And then I'll try to do it. 

[00:48:12] LHL: I love that. Yeah. Do you like listening to music a lot?

[00:48:17] Harper: Yeah.

[00:48:17] LHL: What are some musicians that you're into?

[00:48:20] Harper: I like any. I would just get on any song.

[00:48:22] LHL: That's so great. Eclectic taste. I like that. And what is your favorite color?

[00:48:29] Harper: My favorite color is green.

[00:48:31] LHL: Green. What is your favorite scent to smell?

[00:48:35] Harper: I like cinnamon. 

[00:48:37] LHL: Oh, that's a great one. I don't think we've heard that today. What is your favorite sound?

[00:48:42] Harper: The ocean, like when the waves are splashing.

[00:48:45] LHL: That's such a relaxing and also energizing at the same time. That's such a good sound. What is your favorite thing to taste?

[00:48:53] Harper: I don't know.

[00:48:54] LHL: That's okay. What is your favorite thing to touch? Like the best texture?

[00:48:59] Harper: Something fuzzy. Like a fuzzy rug or my cat.

[00:49:02] LHL: Oh, that's nice. That's great. And what do you want to be when you grow up?

[00:49:07] Harper: I want to be an artist or a chef.

[00:49:09] LHL: Nice. Do you like to cook or bake?

[00:49:11] Harper: Yeah.

[00:49:11] LHL: What kind of stuff do you make?

[00:49:13] Harper: I usually make cornbread.

[00:49:15] LHL: Oh, that's so great. Anything else that you really like to do?

[00:49:20] Harper: Oh, yeah. We made a Boston cream pie.

[00:49:21] LHL: You made a Boston cream pie.

[00:49:23] Harper: Yeah.

[00:49:23] LHL: For some reason, I envision that being really complicated. Was it kind of hard? Or was it pretty easy to make?

[00:49:28] Harper: It was pretty easy. I thought it was going to be harder?

[00:49:30] LHL: Really? I just feel like it just seems like it's got a lot of layers, a lot to it. But, wow. You're really an accomplished chef already. I'm in my late 30s, and I can't accomplish that. So I think you should be very proud. That's really cool.

[00:49:43] Harper: Thank you.

[00:49:43] LHL: Are you having fun today at the Marker's Fest?

[00:49:47] Harper: Yeah.

[00:49:47] LHL: Oh, great. 

[00:49:48] Harper: Are you having fun?

[00:49:50] LHL: I'm having such a good time. I get to meet a lot of really cool kids like you, a lot of awesome family members. It's just been so amazing and inspiring. I've been hearing lots of cool answers to these questions. So I'm really glad that we're here today. 

Cool. So what's your name?

[00:50:06] Daniel: My name is Daniel.

[00:50:08] LHL: Are you a maker or a creative?

[00:50:09] Daniel: Yes, I am. But I'm also like on the cusp of ramping it up so as to be something that I'm primarily working on rather than just a hobby. So I started doing a podcast in 2021 just for fun, just because I need to get my – talk my yucks and there was no one to talk to. So I talk to myself. But now I'm trying to get into writing more.

[00:50:30] LHL: Okay. Okay. First, tell me a bit about the podcast. What's it called? And what's it about?

[00:50:36] Daniel: It's called Piece of Mind. And I spelled piece like puzzle piece because the idea was just like I just have things to say. And I didn't really have a niche to fit into. There are a lot of podcasts that are dedicated to a certain thing. But I don't know how to do that. I'm very multi-curious. And so, it's like I have an episode where I'm just rambling about how crazy it is that we all have different handwriting and how it speaks to our personality and what we've been through. I've sort of talked about politics. I talk about religion. 

I have an environmental background. So I just did – my most recent episode was talking about seasonal change and how we all have sort of seasonal amnesia where we're like, "Oh, it's winter. I'm so depressed. And then it's summer. I'm so happy." And we go through these cycles without actually acknowledging that we're going through cycles. And so, I was kind of trying to unpack that. I haven't done it for a while. And I feel like I've gone to the drawing board and I want to come back and be more intentional about it. 

[00:51:32] LHL: Is it streaming now? Can folks listen to it? 

[00:51:34] Daniel: Yeah, they can. 

[00:51:35] LHL: Oh, that's so great.

[00:51:37] Daniel: It's on – I have an RSS feed. It's on Spotify, Apple, Google. All that.

[00:51:41] LHL: Do you have a social media handle for it, or a website, or anything?

[00:51:44] Daniel: No. Well, you can go to and that'll bring you to the Spotify link. That was a Christmas gift from my brother actually. He got me a website domain, which was like a kind of a push to be like, "All right. Take it seriously."

[00:51:57] LHL: What a great gift.

[00:51:58] Daniel: Right.

[00:51:59] LHL: That is so cool.

[00:51:59] Daniel: And that came out of left field because my brother is sort of very to himself. And I don't even think he's listening to my podcast. But he just knows that I do it. So he did that. 

[00:52:08] LHL: But he wants to foster that. It sounds like your podcast is very – your imagination is exploring your curiosity about the world and turning around these ideas. That sounds – and it's just you solo?

[00:52:21] Daniel: Yes. For the most part, it's me solo. But I've done two interviews that I recorded with people, but I just never got to uploading them. And that was like two years ago now. And they keep reminding me like, "Hey." But I have a friend that I met in college and he just reached out recently saying he wanted to do one. And he wants to really talk about like self-perception. Because he just graduated college and he was on the whole professional development wave, and LinkedIn, and building your network. And then he's like, "Well, I kind of just want to do what I want to do." And so, he has a lot to say about that. We actually might get together next week or something and do a podcast. 

[00:52:55] LHL: That sounds fascinating. I'm definitely going to look it up, because it sounds like a really cool idea. And like you have a ton of thoughts and ideas on very – 

[00:53:01] Daniel: Yeah. Too many. 

[00:53:03] LHL: Well, the handwriting one. I mean, it's almost like these thoughts that we all have. But you're kind of bringing it to the surface of like what makes us individual and what makes us community. And all these things that tie us together, but are also unique.

[00:53:15] Daniel: Absolutely. That's sort of – my whole philosophy centers around truthful things are paradoxical. And you can go and shelter away and create your own niche or whatever. But at the same time, that puts you into the full community of people that are also doing that. I'm still figuring out where I want to go with it. But I don't like the idea of boxing myself into like, "Oh, I'm a true crime podcast." Or, "I'm a sports podcast." There's a lot of that. So I feel a lot of pressure to do it. But at the same time, whenever I try, it just doesn't feel right. 

[00:53:44] LHL: It doesn't feel authentic.

[00:53:46] Daniel: Exactly. Exactly.

[00:53:46] LHL: Yeah. And you mentioned writing.

[00:53:48] Daniel: Yeah. 

[00:53:49] LHL: Tell me a bit about that.

[00:53:50] Daniel: I graduated college a year ago and I had a Capstone paper to do. And I worked with an adviser. And she recognized my writing potential and wanted to try to publish something with me. And so, I sort of worked towards academic publishing for a bit. But it never really panned out, because I felt like I lost – I was so into it, into the paper that I was doing, and I had a lot of passion for it that I got burnt out with the idea that I had to meet all these academic standards, and publishing credentials, and building clout. And I know you have to build clout in any realm to really speak and have a platform. But at the same time, it felt like it stifled me just wanting to spew and to get out what I wanted to get out. 

I hit that wall. And then I kind of went away for a while. But since graduating, I've probably read more books than I read during college. And I've written more. I've written poetry. I've written just – so I did a lot of poetry for a while. I joined a poetry club in college that I only went to a few times. But it was just cool to see that people were on their own time writing and working through stuff through that medium and sharing it. And I was like, "Whoa. This is like something that I feel like I should do more." Because I think in words when I'm talking. I make jokes with words. And I really like playing with language. I don't know where the writing will take. But a children's book is on the horizon possibly.

[00:55:16] LHL: Oh, that is great. What a great place here today for inspiration.

[00:55:19] Daniel: Right. There's someone over there who does children's books. I got to talk to them, too.

[00:55:23] LHL: Oh, that's so great. Do you do visual art at all, too? 

[00:55:26] Daniel: No. I did Illustrator and Photoshop in high school. And I gained a lot of respect for it. But I haven't practiced enough to call myself. But I'm a tinkerer. I see things, I'm "That's cool" But I work at Somersworth Idlehurst Elementary School. And one of my co-workers is a digital artist. And I was talking about it the other day and she's like, "Oh, I illustrate children's books." I'm like, "Whoa." She's like, "I have a website and a phone number. Here you go." And I was like, "Okay." So – 

[00:55:52] LHL: Collaboration on the horizon.

[00:55:53] Daniel: Exactly. Little things like that. 

[00:55:54] LHL: Wow. That is so wonderful. 

[00:55:56] Daniel: Yep. It's crazy.

[00:55:57] LHL: It sounds like you've got like a lot of different creative passions and endeavors that you like to do. Do you get creative block or burnout with any of these things? Or do you kind of take it out of pace that it's not affecting you that way? 

[00:56:12] Daniel: I think it's been a very passive activity so far. Almost self-therapeutic. And so, I think, through that, I've avoided the burnout. But now that I've started really thinking about it as – when people say, "What do you want to do?" And I think my first thought is I want to write a book. But I hesitate to say that, because, in a way, it's such a large commitment to be like, "Oh, I want to be a writer." Because then it's like, "Well, what do you do? What do you write about?" And then I'm like, "I don't know yet." But I enjoy the process. I enjoy playing around with ideas and stuff. So, no. But I feel like I've hit the professional block where I'm like I can't – there's no way I could do this and monetize it and make money. And do I even want that to be the main focus? I don't know. I'm like I've set up a Substack and Medium account. But I haven't actually started publishing anything. I'm probably going to go home and do it after this conversation. 

[00:57:02] LHL: That's awesome. Feeling the inspiration and feeling all of that. That's so great.

[00:57:05] Daniel: Yeah. 

[00:57:07] LHL: We don't have an opening currently for it. But we have calls for submissions to Zines that we publish. We do art and writing in these group Zines. And so, I think the next one will be in the fall. So you should follow us. Or if not, at least check in on us.

[00:57:22] Daniel: Absolutely. Absolutely.

[00:57:23] LHL: And next time we have our call, you should submit some writing. 

[00:57:25] Daniel: Yeah. 

[00:57:26] LHL: Poetry or prose. Whatever it may be. 

[00:57:28] Daniel: Yeah. What sort of things do you – 

[00:57:29] LHL: It's a big mix. I mean, a lot of poetry does come end up in the Zine. We always mix kind of art and writing together. And you can go on our website and see all our past Zines. We've done about 10 or so. We do a couple youth ones every now and then. But, mostly, it's for adults. And it's just a really cool thing to have your work with a collection of other people, you know? 

[00:57:50] Daniel: Absolutely. 

[00:57:51] LHL: Yeah.

[00:57:51] Daniel: Yeah. When I had my senior Capstone, they made a little like catalogue of all the things with our app. I was like, "Whoa. That's my name amongst a bunch of other people's names." And just that feeling is cool. 

[00:57:59] LHL: Yup. And you have it forever on your shelf. And it's just a nice thing to look back on and – 

[00:58:03] Daniel: Colleting dust. Yeah. Yeah.

[00:58:07] LHL: So cool. Well, is there anything else you want to share with us today? Any other cool things to plug? Because I feel like you've already shared a lot of awesome stuff. But is there any more that you want to – 

[00:58:15] Daniel: Well, my friend that I referenced, the digital artist's website is Also, sort of seems like a new endeavor for this person. And I wish them the best. But plugs, I'm not there yet. I still got to build all the things. But – 

[00:58:28] LHL: Shoutouts are great though. That's so good to highlight and spotlight another creative that's pursuing their passion. We love that.

[00:58:36] Daniel: Absolutely. And just seeing this on the – I saw it on the brochure and I was like, "Oh, mini-podcast interview. I'll have to mozy on in there. Shoutout to you for doing this. This is a cool thing.

[00:58:46] LHL: We are just about to hit our 5-year anniversary of our podcast.

[00:58:48] Daniel: Very cool. 

[00:58:48] LHL: It's been a long road. And we're super excited to be doing it. And it's just fun to be here. And we've been interviewing little kids as young as four and adults. And it's just a really great mix, you know? Everyone's creative. That's what we believe. It's just a muscle you need to flex, practice, and play with.

[00:59:04] Daniel: Absolutely. That's how – and nothing gets done without that creative aspect. 

[00:59:08] LHL: Yup. Yeah. Yeah. Well, thank you so much for being on the podcast.

[00:59:12] Daniel: Yeah. Thank you, Laura. It was a pleasure.

[00:59:14] LHL: Yeah. It really was. This was awesome. 

And what's your name? 

[00:59:17] Lucas: Lucas.

[00:59:18] LHL: Thank you for being on the Creative Guts podcast. 

[00:59:20] Lucas: You're welcome.

[00:59:21] LHL: We're at the Maker Fest today. How are you a maker? Do you like to make things? 

[00:59:25] Lucas: I do like to make things. I make a lot of stuff with Legos a lot of the time.

[00:59:30] LHL: You're building and constructing. 

[00:59:32] Lucas: Yeah. I haven't done it in a while though. 

[00:59:36] LHL: Are you doing things that are kind of like already preset building pirate ships? Or are you making your own sort of sculptures? 

[00:59:44] Lucas: I don't know what I'm making until I start getting an idea. I just build until I figure something out. 

[00:59:50] LHL: And where do you get your ideas? 

[00:59:53] Lucas: I don't know usually. It's just from the stuff in my head. If it reminds me of something, I'll try to go onto that path. And if it doesn't work out, I'll go on to a completely other path.

[01:00:03] LHL: Whoa. That's really cool. Are you usually doing this on your own? Or do you have siblings or friends? 

[01:00:08] Lucas: Usually on my own. Unless my siblings try to annoy me while I do it.

[01:00:13] LHL: As siblings do, right? 

[01:00:15] Lucas: Yeah.

[01:00:15] LHL: And are you doing any like art in school or other types of things that are making? 

[01:00:22] Lucas: I used to have art, but I don't anymore. Next year, I'm going to be doing French.

[01:00:28] LHL: Ooh, very cool.

[01:00:30] Lucas: Yeah.

[01:00:31] LHL: That's awesome. And what about creative things that you're into? Like music, or book, or movies? What creative stuff are you into these days? 

[01:00:39] Lucas: I'm more into books of fiction. It's more interesting to look at considering it's – when it comes to a non-fictional book, you'll know what to expect when there's something like if that happened and then that happened. And then you're like, "Oh, obviously. This is going to happen next. Because this is a real thing." Nothing is not going to like just all of a sudden happen. 

[01:01:05] LHL: Shock you. Yeah.

[01:01:06] Lucas: Yeah. Because with fiction books, you don't know what to expect. It could be about anything. And it's the best part about fictional books. And I love it.

[01:01:16] LHL: What are some of your favorite books? 

[01:01:19] Lucas: My favorite is the FNAF series. I've been reading a lot of that. I haven't had too many books of it yet. I have two of them right now. I've read both of them a total of like five times. 

[01:01:32] LHL: I love going back to a good book. 

[01:01:34] Lucas: Yeah. 

[01:01:35] LHL: Do you think you'll ever want to be a writer or do some writing yourself? 

[01:01:40] Lucas: No. But my grandma is pretty soon going to be publishing a book about these two conjoined twins. 

[01:01:46] LHL: What? Is it nonfiction? 

[01:01:47] Lucas: It's Fiction. 

[01:01:49] LHL: It's fiction? 

[01:01:50] Speaker: They're not conjoined. They're identical. 

[01:01:54] Lucas: They're identical. 

[01:01:55] LHL: They're identical twins. Yeah. That is so cool though. And what is the book – do you know what the book's called? 

[01:02:02] Lucas: No. 

[01:02:03] LHL: Oh. An untitled project for our ears right now. But that's really neat. That's so cool. What other creative stuff? Do you like music or movies? Anything like that? 

[01:02:15] Lucas: On a very rare occasion, I'll try to make music. 

[01:02:18] LHL: What type of music do you make? 

[01:02:21] Lucas: Bad-sounding music. 

[01:02:22] LHL: Why is it bad? 

[01:02:24] Lucas: I just don't do it often. It's more of like a – 

[01:02:27] LHL: Experimentation type of thing? 

[01:02:29] Lucas: Yeah. It's more of an experimentation. 

[01:02:31] LHL: Okay. Cool. And so, are you working on like an app like on your iPad? Or are you using instruments? 

[01:02:38] Lucas: Usually, I do it at my school on my Chromebook.

[01:02:41] LHL: Wicked cool. That's awesome. It's such a good resource to have to do something like that. Do you like to write lyrics and sing, too? Or is it just about the instruments? 

[01:02:49] Lucas: It's just about the instruments for me.

[01:02:51] LHL: Yeah. That's so neat. What is your favorite color? 

[01:02:55] Lucas: Green.

[01:02:56] LHL: Green. What is your favorite scent?

[01:03:00] Lucas: When the temperature changes really fast when it's raining.

[01:03:03] LHL: Oh, that's a very specific one. That's really good. What is your favorite sound?

[01:03:09] Lucas: I don't really have a favorite sound.

[01:03:11] LHL: Yeah. That's a tough one. What is your favorite texture to touch with your hands?

[01:03:16] Lucas: Really soft or something like oobleck. Or non-Newtonian, which is what oobleck is. 

[01:03:23] LHL: I don't know what those things are. Is that like – 

[01:03:26] Lucas: Oobleck is – if you hit it hard, it's hard. But if you slowly put your hand into it, it's soft. And that's what's called a non-Newtonian fluid.

[01:03:36] LHL: You just taught me something new today. So thank you for that. That's really neat. And what do you want to be when you grow up?

[01:03:44] Lucas: Engineer.

[01:03:44] LHL: Nice. The builder mind, if that makes sense. 

[01:03:46] Lucas: Yeah.

[01:03:47] LHL: That's so cool. Is there anything else you want to share with us on the podcast today?

[01:03:51] Lucas: I have too many animals. I have two birds. I have a cat at my mom's – two cats at my dad's. A dog at my mom's. A bearded dragon at my mom's. A dog at my grandma's. And two cats at my grandma's. So – 

[01:04:12] LHL: That's quite a lot of animals. 

[01:04:15] Lucas: I have another cat at my mom's. But that's not my cat. 

[01:04:18] LHL: Do you get to name them when you get them? Have you named most of them?

[01:04:22] Lucas: There's Akita, my dog. Guacamole, the other dog at my grandma's. I would say the original name. But – 

[01:04:30] LHL: No. That's fine. 

[01:04:34] Lucas: Then there's Rosie the razor, because of the claws. So we came up with Rosie the Razor. Then there's Oreo, our black and white cat at my step-my-mom's and dad's. She isn't getting along with the kitten. The kitten is only like five, six-weeks old. Eight-weeks old. Something. 

[01:04:56] LHL: Oh, that's so cool. So you love animals.

[01:04:58] Lucas: Yeah.

[01:04:59] LHL: Oh, that's so great. 

[01:05:00] Lucas: And the cat at my mom's is Sammy. He's a very cuddly cat.

[01:05:06] LHL: Oh, that's awesome. Well, it's an art form to name pets. So I applaud you. Thanks for being on the podcast. I appreciate you chatting with me today.

[01:05:16] Lucas: Yeah, anytime.

[01:05:17] LHL: Yeah. 

And what is your name? 

[01:05:19] Oliver: Oliver. 

[01:05:20] LHL: So we're at the Maker Fest today talking about creativity with folks. So how are you creative? Do you like art, or writing, or dancing, or music?

[01:05:33] Oliver: I like dancing and singing.

[01:05:35] LHL: Dancing and singing? That's awesome.

[01:05:36] Oliver: And drawing. 

[01:05:36] LHL: Oh, my gosh. You do it all. Oliver, that's so cool. What kind of art do you like to make?

[01:05:43] Oliver: Just drawing shapes and stuff. 

[01:05:45] LHL: Oh, that's so great. So what about dancing?

[01:05:50] Oliver: Just regular stuff. 

[01:05:51] LHL: Just regular stuff. And what kind of music do you dance to when you're dancing?

[01:05:56] Oliver: All sorts of things. 

[01:05:58] LHL: All sorts of things? Do you have a favorite? I know it's hard to pick when there are so many.

[01:06:01] Oliver: No. 

[01:06:04] LHL: Cool. What other creative stuff do you like to do? Do you make songs?

[01:06:08] Oliver: Aha.

[01:06:10] LHL: Ooh. That's so exciting. Really?

[01:06:14] Oliver: Aha.

[01:06:14] LHL: Ooh. Anything you want to share with us?

[01:06:17] Oliver: No. Because whenever I do them, I just forget them immediately. So it's like – 

[01:06:21] LHL: Oh, yeah. I understand that. You know, you get all this creative energy and then it just "poof" goes. What are the types of things that you're singing about? Just anything you're seeing or is it specific?

[01:06:34] Oliver: It's like anything that pops up into my head and is like – 

[01:06:39] LHL: And you have to sing about it.

[01:06:40] Oliver: Yeah. 

[01:06:41] LHL: Oh, I love that. Are you interested in like learning an instrument? Or do you know any – 

[01:06:46] Oliver: Well, I want to learn the guitar. But my mom said that I'm not allowed to. I have to play the drums first. But I'm like – 

[01:06:55] LHL: Drums are so cool.

[01:06:55] Oliver: But I want to learn the guitar. Why aren't you letting me play the guitar?

[01:07:01] LHL: Do you guys have access to drums maybe?

[01:07:03] OIiver: Yeah. I have one in my room.

[01:07:05] LHL: I want one in my room. That's so cool. Well, I'm guessing guitar will be in your future someday probably. You know?

[01:07:12] OIiver: Yeah.

[01:07:12] LHL: It's just going to take some time to learn one thing at a time. I play the electric ukulele. So that's my instrument. But I also have an accordion. And occasionally, I noodle with that. 

[01:07:22] OIiver: Hmm. 

[01:07:23] LHL: Have you ever heard of a theremin?

[01:07:25] OIiver: No. What is a theremin?

[01:07:27] LHL: A theremin is the only instrument in the world where you don't touch it to play it. So it makes – it's like a long tube with an antenna. And you wave your arms around – 

[01:07:39] OIiver: I'm pretty sure that I know what they are. 

[01:07:42] LHL: You seen it maybe?

[01:07:43] OIiver: Maybe I've seen it. I don't know. 

[01:07:46] LHL: It makes a sound like this [Sound inaudible 01:07:48]. Like it makes this like weird kind of ghostly sound.

[01:07:56] OIiver: Oh, yeah. I've definitely heard of it, then. 

[01:07:57] LHL: Yeah. They're pretty neat. It's been weird to try to learn it though. Because all you have to do is just wave your arms around. There are no like notes to play like on a guitar that you always remember. So it's very unique. 

So what is your favorite color, Oliver?

[01:08:14] Oliver: Blue and purple.

[01:08:16] LHL: Oh, I love blue and purple. What is your favorite scent to smell?

[01:08:20] OIiver: Lavender. 

[01:08:21] LHL: Oh, you're the third person to say lavender today. I feel like everyone's in such a lavender spirit. Maybe because it's spring. What is your favorite sound?

[01:08:31] OIiver: Womp.

[01:08:33] LHL: Womp? I love that. And what is your favorite texture to touch? Like a sensation in your hand? Like a feeling?

[01:08:43] OIiver: Slime.

[01:08:45] LHL: Slimes. A couple of other kids have said that, too. I feel like everyone's into slime. Is there a slime thing happening at the festival today?

[01:08:52] OIiver: No. 

[01:08:54] LHL: It's just that everyone's really into slime. 

[01:08:55] OIiver: Yeah. 

[01:08:55] LHL: I love that. And what do you want to be when you grow up?

[01:08:58] OIiver: A rockstar.

[01:08:58] LHL: A rockstar. Well, in 20 years when you're a rockstar, will you come back on the podcast?

[01:09:03] Oliver: Probably not. 

[01:09:07] LHL: Listen. We're a big deal, okay? Oliver, you need to come back on the podcast.

[01:09:12] Oliver: I don't know about that. 

[01:09:18] LHL: Well, you do you, man. It's been so fun to talk with you today. I want to thank you so much for being on the podcast. You did a great job.

[01:09:27] Oliver: Thank you. 

[01:09:28] LHL: I think you're going to be a rockstar.

What is your name?

[01:09:32] Ethan: Ethan.

[01:09:34] LHL: What creative things do you like to do? Do you like art, or music, or writing?

[01:09:39] Ethan: I do like Spider-Man. 

[01:09:42] SW: Spider-Man.

[01:09:43] LHL: Spider-Man is really fun. 

[01:09:44] SW: Spider-Man is very cool.

[01:09:46] Ethan: And Legos. 

[01:09:49] SW: And Legos?

[01:09:50] LHL: So you like to build things, huh?

[01:09:52] SW: Building things with Legos is very creative. 

[01:09:54] LHL: Oh, it really is. You're basically sculpting. What are some of the favorite colors that you like to play with your Legos?

[01:10:04] Ethan: Red and blue.

[01:10:06] LHL: Red and blue. Spider-Man's colors.

[01:10:08] SW: Yeah. Perfect. 

[01:10:10] LHL: Ethan, what is your favorite sound? 

[01:10:15] Ethan: Spider-Man's web sound.

[01:10:18] LHL: Can you make it? 

[01:10:20] Ethan: [Sound inaudible 01:10:20].

[01:10:23] LHL: That's great. Do you like to do art at all?

[01:10:29] Ethan: No. 

[01:10:30] LHL: That's okay. 

[01:10:31] Speaker: I like to do art.

[01:10:33] SW: You do? Wonderful. What's your favorite food, Ethan? 

[01:10:39] Ethan: Blueberries.

[01:10:40] SW: Blueberries. I love blueberries.

[01:10:40] LHL: That's mine, too. Blueberries are my favorite. I love that. 

[01:10:44] SW: Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?

[01:10:47] Ethan: A baker.

[01:10:49] SW: A what? 

[01:10:50] Ethan: A baker, yeah.

[01:10:52] SW: Cool. 

[01:10:53] LHL: Is there anything else you want to share with our audience today? Are you having fun at the Maker's Fest?

[01:10:59] Ethan: Yeah. 

[01:10:59] LHL: Yeah? Well, thank you for joining us today.

[01:11:03] SW: Thanks, Ethan. 

[01:11:05] LHL: So do you want to share your name with us?

[01:11:08] Daniel: It's Daniel. 

[01:11:09] LHL: Hi, Daniel. 

[01:11:08] SW: Hi, Daniel. 

[01:11:10] LHL: Is this your first podcast?

[01:11:13] Daniel: Yes, I think.

[01:11:13] SW: Cool. 

[01:11:15] LHL: Very exciting. So what kind of creative things do you like to do?

[01:11:19] Daniel: It's videogame. And it's kind of like sticking Legos together. But instead, it's just like putting down stuff.

[01:11:27] LHL: Is it like Tetris?

[01:11:29] SW: Is it Minecraft per chance? 

[01:11:30] Daniel: Yes. 

[01:11:31] LHL: Oh, that's a more modern answer. 

[01:11:33] SW: I'm hip. 

[01:11:38] LHL: So you like building things.

[01:11:40] Daniel: Yeah. 

[01:11:40] LHL: Oh, very cool. And is there any other creative things that you like to do?

[01:11:45] Daniel: Art. 

[01:11:46] LHL: Oh, what type of art do you make?

[01:11:47] Daniel: Like spin art. I just did in the room a spin art.

[01:11:53] LHL: Some cool spin art? 

[01:11:55] SW: Cool. 

[01:11:55] Daniel: Yeah. 

[01:11:56] SW: Spin art is fun.

[01:11:57] Daniel: I did spin art with Legos. They build the spin art machine out of Legos and then I use markers and – 

[01:12:08] LHL: That sounds wicked fun.

[01:12:10] Daniel: It is.

[01:12:10] LHL: Oh. And what's your favorite color?

[01:12:13] Daniel: I think red and blue.

[01:12:13] SW: Red and blue. Just like Spider-Man and just like your brother. 

[01:12:19] LHL: Yeah.

[01:12:19] SW: I love that. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?

[01:12:22] Daniel: I'm going to think a rockstar.

[01:12:25] SW: A rockstar? Very cool. 

[01:12:29] LHL: Will you come back and talk with us in 20 years when you're big and famous?

[01:12:33] Daniel: Maybe.

[01:12:34] LHL: Keep your options open. There are a lot of podcast options out there. 

[01:12:38] SW: The last kid said no. So we appreciate a maybe.

[01:12:43] LHL: And what is your favorite scent to smell? What's your favorite smell?

[01:12:48] Daniel: I think the birds. 

[01:12:51] SW: Oh, yeah?

[01:12:51] LHL: The birds. Okay. And what's your favorite food?

[01:12:55] Daniel: Chocolate chips.

[01:12:56] SW: Chocolate chips. Yeah. 

[01:12:56] Daniel: Or trail mix.

[01:12:59] SW: Oh, or trail mix.

[01:13:00] Daniel: Because it has chocolate chips or M&Ms. 

[01:13:02] SW: Do you put extra chocolate in your trail mix?

[01:13:04] Daniel: Not really.

[01:13:06] SW: Okay.

[01:13:08] LHL: And what is your favorite feeling to touch? Your favorite texture?

[01:13:13] Daniel: I think clay.

[01:13:14] LHL: Oh, that's a good one.

[01:13:15] SW: Oh. Yeah, a really good one. You like playing with clay?

[01:13:17] Daniel: Yeah. 

[01:13:17] SW: Cool. 

[01:13:19] Daniel: The texture when it is like done when it's dry.

[01:13:24] SW: Yeah. 

[01:13:25] Daniel: Like that texture. 

[01:13:27] SW: Very cool.

[01:13:27] Daniel: We have one of those models at my house.

[01:13:31] LHL: That's awesome. 

[01:13:31] SW: Very cool.

[01:13:31] LHL: Well, thank you for being on the podcast. 

[01:13:34] Daniel: You're welcome. 

[01:13:35] LHL: It was really fun to talk with you today.

[01:13:37] SW: You were a great interviewee. 

[01:13:40] LHL: All right. So, hello. And what is your name? 

[01:13:43] Jensen: Jensen. 

[01:13:46] LHL: And I'd love to learn more about how you're a maker. Do you create – are there certain creative things that you like? 

[01:13:52] Jensen: Well, I play Minecraft and built houses. And guess what they got? 

[01:13:57] LHL: Oh, my gosh. That is so cute. That's a little Minecraft character? 

[01:14:02] Jensen: Yeah. [inaudible 01:14:03].

[01:14:05] LHL: Oh, very cool. Do you like to do art, or drawing, writing, or music?

[01:14:13] Jensen: Art.

[01:14:13] LHL: Do you like to do art? What kind of art do you like to do?

[01:14:18] Jensen: I like making dragons. 

[01:14:20] LHL: I just drew a dragon. They're really hard to draw.

[01:14:23] Jensen: And I do an S like —

[01:14:26] LHL: Ooh. With like z's? Like that? Ooh. That's really cool. Do you like to color them in. Or is it just like line art?

[01:14:34] Jensen: Color them in.

[01:14:35] LHL: Color them in. And what's your favorite color?

[01:14:39] Jensen: Red and blue. 

[01:14:39] LHL: Red and blue is so popular. That's really cool. And what is your favorite sound to hear?

[01:14:48] Jensen: Music.

[01:14:49] LHL: Music? Are there certain types of bands or types of music that you like?

[01:14:56] Jensen: I like Darth Vader music.

[01:14:58] LHL: What is it?

[01:15:00] Speaker: Darth Vader music.

[01:15:01] LHL: Darth Vader music. Can you give us a sound for it right now?

[01:15:05] Jensen: It's, "Bam-bam-bam-bap-ba-bam. Bam-ba-bam. Bam-bam-bam-bam-bam-ba-bam. Bam-ba-bam. Bam-bam-bam-bam. Ba-ba-bam-bam. Bam."

[01:15:20] LHL: Excellent job. 

[01:15:21] SW: So good. 

[01:15:22] LHL: That was so great. Do you like Darth Vader?

[01:15:25] Jensen: Yeah. 

[01:15:25] LHL: Is he like your favorite chracter? 

[01:15:27] Jensen: Yeah. And he's a bad guy.

[01:15:29] LHL: He's a bad guy? But he's kind of changes his story in the end to be kind of a good guy. Right? 

[01:15:36] Jensen: Yeah. He saves the good guy from his bad guys [inaudible 01:15:42].

[01:15:42] LHL: Yeah. He's a complicated character, for sure. 

[01:15:46] Jensen: He was nice. Then bad. Then nice.

[01:15:50] LHL: What's your favorite food?

[01:15:50] Jensen: Macaroni cheese and chicken nuggets. And donuts.

[01:15:55] LHL: Oh, yup. So good. That's excellent. And what do you want to be when you grow up?

[01:16:01] Jensen: Hmm. A fixer — which build tall towers and build houses. 

[01:16:08] LHL: Oh, nice. That's wonderful. That's a lot of creativity that's in that. I love that. 

[01:16:12] Jensen: Just like Minecraft.

[01:16:14] LHL: Yeah. 

[01:16:13] Jensen: And I built a farm in Minecraft?

[01:16:17] LHL: You did? Wow.

[01:16:19] Jensen: With pallets. 

[01:16:20] LHL: That's so cool. Well, great. It was so nice talking with you today. Thank you for being on the podcast.

[01:16:28] Jensen: Thank you. 


[01:16:34] LHL: Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Maker's Fest today for these little mini-interviews. It was just so joyful.

[01:16:40] SW: It was so joyful. What a lovely day.

[01:16:43] LHL: There were so many kids that were really, really eager to get in front of the mic and some that were a little shy but then came out of their shell.

[01:16:49] SW: Yep. Absolutely. Some of them were absolutely hilarious. Some of them said some surprisingly insightful things. Wonderful little humans.

[01:16:59] LHL: I really appreciate the creativity and imagination that kids just innately have. And it comes through with their conversations and with the stuff that they do. How they spend their little free time as kids that are carefree and have no responsibilities yet.

[01:17:13] SW: Absolutely. And how they answer some of these questions that like stump adults. Like their favorite sound. Some of the kids were right on it.

[01:17:19] LHL: I know. And, apparently, lavender is really big right now. The color purple is really big. Spider-Man. Spider-Man never goes out of style. He's always fly.

[01:17:28] SW: It's totally true. Totally true. 

[01:17:30] LHL: See what I did there? He's always fly? Spider-Man? 

[01:17:30] SW: Totally. He's always fly. Yeah. 

[01:17:32] LHL: Good? 

[01:17:33] SW: Yeah. Good one, Laura.

[01:17:35] LHL: It's not good if you have to explain it. 

[01:17:38] SW: We had a really, really, really fun day at the Maker's Festival. Big thank you to the New Hampshire Children's Museum for having us. 

[01:17:46] LHL: And thank you for listening.

[01:17:47] SW: If you enjoyed listening and you're not already, you should follow us on social media. You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and even LinkedIn. Our handle is Creative Puts podcast. You can also pop over to our website to learn more. That's

[01:18:01] LHL: And if you'd like to support the show, you can do that through many ways. You can make a tax-deductible donation. You can review us. You can share it with a friend who you think might like it.

[01:18:12] SW: Or buy some sick merch.

[01:18:13] LHL: Or buy some awesome merch. We've got lots of options now in our TeePublic store. Whatever you're able to do to help support Creative Guts, we appreciate you.

[01:18:22] SW: Thank you for tuning in. We'll be back next Wednesday with another episode of Creative Guts. With that – 

[01:18:27] LHL & SW: Show us your creative guts. 



[00:00:00] LHL: I'm Laura Harper Lake. 

[00:00:02] SW: And I'm Sarah Wrightsman. 

[00:00:02] LHL & SW: And you're listening to Creative Guts. 

[00:00:17] LHL: Hello. Thank you for joining us on Creative Guts.

[00:00:20] SW: Today, we are at the New Hampshire Children's Museum in Dover, New Hampshire for the 2024 Maker's Fest. 

[00:00:27] LHL: We're conducting mini-interviews with folks of all ages. Some as young as four. And it's been a really exciting, fun, and educational experience.

[00:00:38] SW: Get ready to smile, because some of these interviews are hilarious. 

[00:00:43] LHL: We're going to jump right into this episode of Creative Guts with a montage of folks at the Maker's Fest. 


[00:00:53] LHL: And what's your name? 

[00:00:53] Daniel: Daniel.

[00:00:54] LHL: It's nice to meet you, Daniel. And do you like to do art? Or do you like to listen to music? Do you like to dance? 

[00:01:02] Daniel: Bike riding.

[00:01:03] LHL: You like bike riding? That's awesome.

[00:01:06] Daniel: And I have a fast bike.

[00:01:09] LHL: Oh, very cool.

[00:01:10] Daniel: Goes, "Zoom."

[00:01:13] LHL: So you have a need for speed then.

[00:01:15] Daniel: Yeah.

[00:01:15] LHL: Got to go fast. 

[00:01:17] Daniel: Yeah.

[00:01:17] LHL: That's great. 

[00:01:19] Daniel: [inaudible 00:01:19] added on it. 

[00:01:23] LHL: Oh. What's your favorite color, Daniel?

[00:01:26] Daniel: Green.

[00:01:26] LHL: Green?

[00:01:27] Daniel: Yeah.

[00:01:28] LHL: Very cool. And what's your favorite smell?

[00:01:30] Daniel: Banana bread.

[00:01:33] LHL: Ooh. Does one of your parents make banana bread?

[00:01:35] Daniel: Yeah.

[00:01:36] LHL: Ooh. That sounds – 

[00:01:38] Daniel: Both does them.

[00:01:40] LHL: They both do? Very cool.

[00:01:41] Daniel: Yeah. And we eat [inaudible 00:01:44] at home [inaudible 00:01:46]. 

[00:01:50] LHL: So you're a big fan of the culinary arts. Banana bread. What is your favorite sound? 

[00:01:57] Daniel: Yeah. I like “zoom-zoom”.

[00:02:01] LHL: Zoom-zoom?

[00:02:03] Daniel: Yeah. [inaudible 00:02:04] sound. Two “izm” sounds. Like “vroom-vroom-vroom”.

[00:02:11] LHL: Very cool. And what is your favorite taste? What do you like to eat? 

[00:02:17] Daniel: It looks like banana bread – 

[00:02:19] LHL: Banana bread takes the top again. What’s your favorite thing to touch, like on your hand? 

[00:02:26] Daniel: Stuff like slime. 

[00:02:30] LHL: Slime. Ooh. And it gets all in your fingers. Well, thank you for being on the podcast, Daniel. 

[00:02:37] CW: Hi. I'm Carolyn Watkins. I'm a local children's author. I live in Dover, New Hampshire. And I'm Trailblazer Books.

[00:02:46] LHL: That's amazing. So tell us about the books that you make.

[00:02:49] CW: Well, I have a series going on. Charlotte is the main character. She helps kids figure out difficult situations in a very positive and goodwill way. The first book is I Don't Want to Move. The second book is going to be Tomorrow's Trailblazer: A Story of Change & Growth

[00:03:11] LHL: Wow. How long have you been working on these, the series? 

[00:03:16] CW: The series started in 2022. The book before the series was The Knock: A Collection of Childhood Memories. That's about my personal experience when my dad went to Vietnam and came home and the transitions the families went through.

[00:03:36] LHL: Wow.

[00:03:37] CW: So it was a story of reflection to say the least. It has two levels. Level one is for younger kids, 6 to 8. And level two is 9 to 12 with more connections and a higher level of thinking. 

[00:03:54] Mike: So were these like separate books that you have? 

[00:03:57] CW: Completely separate. 

[00:03:59] Mike: This version that version of it. 

[00:03:59] CW: Yeah. 

[00:04:00] Mike: What made you do that? 

[00:04:01] CW: I entered a contest and they said the book would do better if it was at a more middle-school level.

[00:04:11] Mike: Ah. So like out of necessity, basically. 

[00:04:14] CW: Yeah. 

[00:04:15] Mike: And so, you have these books that are I imagine pretty deep and pretty like big personal connection to them and more serious than the children's books in a way. What was that shift? Why did you shift into a children's book? What inspired that? 

[00:04:31] CW: That's a good question. The Knock was my first story. It was something I wanted to do for my dad because he had passed as a Vietnam vet. And then it made me – I think I got the bug. The writer's bug. And it just made me think of other ways of helping kids. Because I'm a retired school teacher. 

[00:04:55] Mike: Ah. Well, there it is. There it is.

[00:04:58] CW: Yeah. I was a retired school teacher who went into real estate. And I saw a young family struggling when they had to move. That's why I wrote I Don't Want to Move

[00:05:08] LHL: Oh, wow.

[00:05:09] CW: And real estate is now shifted.

[00:05:12] Mike: Yeah. 

[00:05:13] CW: So I'm shifting.

[00:05:15] Mike: That makes perfect sense. The thing that I see in both of these is like, there was another person or another audience that you had that you were looking to serve in a way. And I think great art serves some sort of audience. It's easy to make art that like serves yourself and to express yourself. But it's like you have somebody else in mind. I love that.

[00:05:34] CW: There has to be a purpose to it. A need to it. And it's finding that. 

[00:05:39] LHL: And where can people find your books? 

[00:05:42] CW: They can go to my website, I actually have a store there. And if they're not comfortable with that, they can go to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, any place where books are sold. Barnes & Noble will order the book for someone.

[00:05:59] LHL: Oh, that's wonderful. 

[00:05:59] Mike: That’s so cool. 

[00:06:01] CW: Yeah. 

[00:06:01] LHL: Oh, thank you so much for being on the podcast. We love hearing about this stuff. And this is just really inspiring.

[00:06:06] CW: Thank you. Thank you for having me. 

[00:06:07] Mike: Yeah. That was such a neat backstory. Thank you so much for sharing that.

[00:06:13] LHL: What is your name? 

[00:06:14] Genevieve: Genevieve.

[00:06:15] LHL: Genevieve, it's so nice to have you on the Creative Guts podcast. Thanks for being here. What kind of creative stuff do you like to do? 

[00:06:22] Genevieve: I like to make art.

[00:06:24] LHL: What kind of art do you make? 

[00:06:27] Genevieve: I draw pictures.

[00:06:28] LHL: What kind of pictures do you draw?

[00:06:31] Genevieve: Pictures with mommy and daddy in it.

[00:06:34] LHL: Oh, that’s so great. Do you draw anything outside, or any houses, or pets, or anything else? Or is it usually just people in your pictures?

[00:06:44] Genevieve: Usually, just people and kites.

[00:06:46] LHL: Oh, I love that. And Genevieve, what is your favorite color?

[00:06:51] Genevieve: Purple and pink.

[00:06:54] LHL: Purple and pink. That’s so great. And what is your favorite sound?

[00:06:59] Genevieve: I don’t know.

[00:07:01] LHL: That’s okay. Is there a certain smell or food that you like to smell or taste?

[00:07:07] Genevieve: I like mac and cheese.

[00:07:09] LHL: Mac and cheese. That is a good smell and a good taste. Very cool. And what type of TV show do you like to watch? 

[00:07:19] Genevieve: Bluey.

[00:07:20] LHL: Bluey. Oh, very cool. And what do you want to be when you grow up, Genevieve? Do you have any dreams of what you want to do someday?

[00:07:27] Genevieve: I want to work at a hospital.

[00:07:31] LHL: Oh, you want to work at a hospital. Genevieve, how old are you?

[00:07:36] Genevieve: Four. 

[00:07:36] LHL: Are you having fun today?

[00:07:37] Genevieve: Yeah.

[00:07:37] LHL: Oh, great. That’s excellent. Well, thanks so much for being on the podcast. Good job, Genevieve. Thanks so much.

[00:07:45] Genevieve: You’re welcome. 

[00:07:49] LHL: Hi, Gloria. Thanks for being on the Creative Guts podcast. 

[00:07:52] Gloria: You’re welcome. 

[00:07:53] LHL: Are you excited to be here today at the Maker’s Fest?

[00:07:55] Gloria: Yes.

[00:07:56] LHL: And are you a maker yourself? Do you like to do art, or music, or dance?

[00:08:01] Gloria: Yes.

[00:08:01] LHL: What do you like to do?

[00:08:03] Gloria: Art and music.

[00:08:04] LHL: Oh. So tell me about the art that you like to make.

[00:08:07] Gloria: I like doing popup houses and doing [inaudible 00:08:11] Baldo paintings and pictures.

[00:08:17] LHL: Popup houses? Like papers that kind of like opens up?

[00:08:19] Gloria: Yes.

[00:08:20] LHL: Oh, my – how do you learn how to do that?

[00:08:23] Gloria: Art class with a really good art teacher. 

[00:08:27] LHL: Oh, that’s so fun. Are they like pretty big or small? Or what’s the size? 

[00:08:32] Gloria: They’re probably like medium-sized. They’re not tiny. They’re not huge.

[00:08:38] LHL: That’s so great. Do you want to talk about the music? Do you play an instrument at all?

[00:08:43] Gloria: Yes. I play the xylophone, a drum. And that’s technically all I’ve played.

[00:08:50] LHL: Do you play in school? Or do you play outside of school?

[00:08:52] Gloria: Booth.

[00:08:54] LHL: Ooh. Very fun. And what type of music do you like to play?

[00:08:57] Gloria: Just like slow songs with choruses and melodies.

[00:09:01] LHL: Oh, my gosh. And how old are you?

[00:09:04] Gloria: I’m seven.

[00:09:05] LHL: Wow. Very accomplished for seven. I think you should be really proud about all the creative stuff that you do. It’s a lot of fun to do all these things?

[00:09:12] Gloria: Yeah.

[00:09:12] LHL: Yeah? And what’s your favorite color?

[00:09:16] Gloria: Teal.

[00:09:16] LHL: Oh, that is our logo color. That’s so great. And what is your favorite sound?


[00:09:24] Gloria: Music.

[00:09:24] LHL: Music. And what is your favorite smell? Your favorite scent?

[00:09:30] Gloria: Chocolate.

[00:09:30] LHL: Ooh. And what is your favorite texture to touch? Like your favorite – 

[00:09:35] Gloria: Slime. 

[00:09:37] LHL: Oh. Someone else said slime today, too. I think that might be a popular one with the youngsters. So that makes sense. And what is one creative thing that you want to try someday that you haven’t done yet?

[00:09:51] Gloria: Gymnastics. 

[00:09:52] LHL: Oh, very cool.

[00:09:53] Maxene: I do gymnastics, you know?

[00:09:55] LHL: That’s awesome. Very cool. Well, thank you so much for being on the podcast. I really appreciate it. And one last question. What do you want to be when you grow up someday?


[00:10:06] Gloria: A gymnastics teacher. 

[00:10:07] LHL: A gymnastics teacher. That’s so great. Oh, Gloria, you’ve been so fun to chat with today. I can’t wait to hear and see all the cool things that you do in your creative future. 

[00:10:18] Gloria: Thank you. 

[00:10:19] LHL: Yeah. Maxene, thanks for being on the Creative Guts podcast. And how old are you?

[00:10:26] Maxene: I am four.

[00:10:28] LHL: Four years old? 

[00:10:29] Maxene: Yes.

[00:10:30] LHL: And do you like to do art?

[00:10:32] Maxene: Well, I like to play with my toys at home.

[00:10:38] LHL: That sounds really fun. What kind of toys do you play with? 

[00:10:41] Maxene: Hmm. I play with all of them. But when it’s Christmas, even my birthday, I will have – for my birthday, I’ll get a Gabby Dollhouse cruise ship. And then from Santa Clause, I’m going to get Gabby dollhouse.

[00:10:56] LHL: Oh, that sounds really fun. So there’s like a whole house that you get to play with all your toys in?

[00:11:01] Maxene: Yes.

[00:11:02] LHL: Oh. And then I think I heard you say that you like gymnastics.

[00:11:06] Maxene: Yeah. I do like gymnastics. And they also come to my [inaudible 00:11:10] school. And they like to come to some other classes.

[00:11:15] LHL: Oh, very neat. 

[00:11:15] Maxene: So when I grow up, I’m going to become – in Gloria’s school. 

[00:11:20] LHL: When you grow up, you’re going to be what? 

[00:11:22] Maxene: I’m going to be grown up to be in Gloria’s school.

[00:11:26] LHL: At Gloria’s school?

[00:11:28] Maxene: Yup.

[00:11:29] LHL: Oh, very cool. And what is your favorite color?

[00:11:35] Maxene: I like pink.

[00:11:36] LHL: Pink. You’ve both got pink on today. I love pink. I’ve got pink in my hair, if you didn’t notice.

[00:11:41] Maxene: Well, I don’t have pink. I have noodles and some shorts.

[00:11:46] LHL: Your hat has a little pink in it. 

[00:11:48] Maxene: Yeah. I know.

[00:11:48] LHL: Yeah. What’s your favorite smell? 

[00:11:51] Maxene: Hmm. Well, my favorite smell is the smell of [inaudible 00:11:55] stuff. 

[00:11:58] LHL: Scented stuff?

[00:11:58] Maxene: Yeah.

[00:11:59] LHL: Oh, yeah. I mean, you never know what you’re going to get. And what is your favorite sound to hear?

[00:12:07] Maxene: My favorite sound is people who are clapping and talking.

[00:12:13] LHL: Clapping and talking. And what’s your favorite texture to touch?

[00:12:18] Maxene: Hmm. Well, my favorite texture is strawberry and blueberries.

[00:12:25] LHL: Strawberries and blueberries. Like in your mouth when you’re eating them? Or like just touching them on the outside?

[00:12:31] Maxene: Eating them and touching them. 

[00:12:32] LHL: Oh, so kind of all of it. I love it. Maxene, is there anything else you want to share with us today?

[00:12:37] Maxene: Well,  can I tell you what daddy does? He grows blueberries and strawberry.

[00:12:44] LHL: Wow. Oh. Blueberries are my favorite food actually. So I love blueberries.

[00:12:48] Maxene: [inaudible 00:12:48].

[00:12:52] LHL: See all the shadows?

[00:12:53] Maxene: Yeah.

[00:12:57] LHL: Oh, you guys are so wonderful. Thank you being on the show.

[00:13:01] LHL: I’m Laura. And this is Sarah. It’s nice to meet you, Cali. So do you like creative things? 

[00:13:07] Cali: Yeah.

[00:13:08] LHL: Which one are you into the most?

[00:13:11] Cali: Probably like art. 

[00:13:11] LHL: Nice. What kind of art do you do?

[00:13:14] Cali: I don’t know. I just like drawing.

[00:13:17] LHL: Drawing? Nice. Is there anything in particular you like to draw?

[00:13:20] Cali: No. Not really.

[00:13:21] LHL: Just all of everything? 

[00:13:22] Cali: Yeah.

[00:13:22] LHL: Nice. 

[00:13:23] SW: Cool. What do you like to draw with?

[00:13:26] Cali: I probably will sketch with like pencils and stuff.

[00:13:30] SW: Okay. That’s great.

[00:13:32] LHL: Very cool. Do you like to watch creative things? Do you have a favorite movie or show that you really like?

[00:13:40] Cali: No. I like a lot of movies and shows. So that’s really hard for me.

[00:13:44] LHL: Oh, that’s so tough. What’s something that you’re really into lately?

[00:13:48] Cali: Reading. 

[00:13:51] SW: Oh, what’s your favorite book?

[00:13:53] Cali: I cannot decide.

[00:13:57] LHL: Well, what are just a couple that you like? It doesn’t have to be your favorite.

[00:14:00] Cali: I really like Sweet Valley Twins. 

[00:14:03] LHL: Ooh. 

[00:14:04] Cali: The Baby-Sitters Club.

[00:14:05] LHL: Oh, I love Baby-Sitters. I used to read them all the time. That’s so cool. Do you read like Harry Potter?

[00:14:10] Cali: Yeah.

[00:14:11] LHL: Harry Potter is so great.

[00:14:14] SW: I love that our stuff is still cool.

[00:14:15] LHL: Yeah.

[00:14:15] SW: Baby-Sitters Club? Like, cool.

[00:14:17] LHL: Yeah. It’s very reassuring. So should we do rapid-fire?

[00:14:21] SW: Absolutely. Cali, what’s your favorite color?

[00:14:24] Cali: Periwinkle.

[00:14:25] SW: Oh. 

[00:14:26] LHL: So specific.

[00:14:27] SW: Oh, what a good answer. 

[00:14:28] LHL: Wow. Very cultured young person right here. I love that. What is your favorite scent?

[00:14:35] Cali: I don’t know. Maybe like the ocean. 

[00:14:39] LHL: That’s a good one. 

[00:14:41] SW: Good one. Do you have a favorite sound?

[00:14:43] Cali: No. 

[00:14:45] LHL: Do you have favorite texture to touch? Like something on your hands that you like the feel of?

[00:14:51] Cali: Not really.

[00:14:53] LHL: No? That’s okay. And what do you want to be when you grow up?

[00:14:56] Cali: I really don’t know. 

[00:14:58] LHL: That’s okay. 

[00:14:59] SW: Totally fair. Yup.

[00:15:00] LHL: A lot of us are still figuring it out. 

[00:15:01] SW: Same, same. Anything else do you want to share with our listeners? 

[00:15:07] Cali: Not really. 

[00:15:08] SW: Okay. Well, thank you so much, Cali, for being on the Creative Guys podcast. 

[00:15:12] Cali: Thank you. 

[00:15:16] LHL: Can you say your name again? 

[00:15:17] Cameron: Cameron. 

[00:15:18] LHL: Cameron. Thanks for being on the Creative Guts podcast. It’s really nice to meet you. I’m Laura.

[00:15:22] SW: And I’m Sarah.

[00:15:24] LHL: And we’re really excited to talk to you. So do you like to do creative things? Like what do you like to do?

[00:15:31] Cameron: Dance. 

[00:15:31] SW: You like to dance?

[00:15:34] LHL: What kind of dances do you do?

[00:15:36] Cameron: Karate. 

[00:15:38] SW: Oh. Very cool.

[00:15:39] LHL: Karate dance? That sounds very neat. 

[00:15:43] SW: At the end of the day, it’s just all about moving your body. 

[00:15:46] LHL: Mm-hmm. And what kind of music do you like to listen to when you’re doing your karate dancing?

[00:15:49] Cameron: Sonic.

[00:15:50] LHL: Like Sonic the Hedgehog?

[00:15:51] Cameron: Yeah.

[00:15:52] LHL: Oh, cool. Like the music from the soundtrack?

[00:15:55] Cameron: Yeah. 

[00:15:56] LHL: Or the – do you play the videogame too?

[00:15:59] Cameron: Yeah.

[00:16:01] LHL: What do you like about that music?

[00:16:03] Cameron: That Sonic saves the turtle.

[00:16:07] SW: Oh, of course. Of course. We love that.

[00:16:11] LHL: And what is your favorite color?

[00:16:14] Cameron: Red. 

[00:16:15] SW: What’s your favorite food?

[00:16:18] Cameron: French fries.

[00:16:19] SW: Oh, sure. Of course.

[00:16:21] LHL: What’s your favorite smell? Is it also French fries? Or is it something else? 

[00:16:25] Cameron: Vanilla.

[00:16:27] SW: Oh, good one.

[00:16:29] LHL: Yeah. 

[00:16:32] SW: What is your favorite sound?

[00:16:34] Cameron: My favorite sound is [sound inaudible 00:16:37].

[00:16:45] SW: That might be one of the best answers we’ve ever gotten on the podcast. Thank you, Cameron.

[00:16:49] LHL: I agree.

[00:16:49] SW: That was amazing.

[00:16:50] LHL: And Cameron, what do you want to be when you grow up?

[00:16:52] Cameron: A firefighter. 

[00:16:53] LHL: Very cool. Nice. That is awesome, Cameron. And can you wave and say hi?

[00:17:01] Cameron: Hi. 

[00:17:03] LHL: Great job. Cameron, you are so fun to talk to. Is this your first podcast that you’ve ever been on? 

[00:17:09] Cameron: Yeah. 

[00:17:10] LHL: Wow. You’re doing a great job.

[00:17:12] SW: It’s just talking. It’s really easy. Right?

[00:17:14] Cameron: Yeah.

[00:17:15] LHL: Yeah. Cool. Well, I think that’s all we’ve got for questions. Is there anything else you want to share with us?

[00:17:21] Cameron: I don’t know. 

[00:17:23] LHL: That’s totally fine. Did you have a fun time today?

[00:17:26] Cameron: Yeah.

[00:17:26] LHL: Yeah. Awesome.

[00:17:28] SW: Do you love the Children’s Musem?

[00:17:29] Cameron: Yeah.

[00:17:30] SW: Yeah. Me, too.

[00:17:31] LHL: It’s pretty cool.

[00:17:32] SW: It’s the best.

[00:17:34] LHL: Well, thanks again for being on the show, Cameron.

[00:17:38] SW: I really, really, really like your hat.

[00:17:40] Gibson: Thank you.

[00:17:41] SW: You’re welcome.

[00:17:42] LHL: Do you want to share your name again with us? 

[00:17:44] Gibson: I’m Gibson.

[00:17:45] LHL: You’re on the Creative Guts podcast. We’re so excited to have you hear. So what kind of creative things do you like to do?

[00:17:52] Gibson: Art. 

[00:17:53] SW: Yeah. What kind of art do you do? Do you do? Do you draw or paint?

[00:17:57] Gibson: I draw. 

[00:17:57] LHL: Yeah? What kind of things do you draw?

[00:18:00] Gibson: I draw Transformers and robots. Pretty much anything. 

[00:18:05] SW: Cool.

[00:18:06] LHL: What inspired – like the show the Transformers? Or like is there any type of thing that you’ve liked that has to do with robots?

[00:18:14] Gibson: Not much. I mean, I like – there’s that one movie, the Robots movie. I don’t remember when it was made. But – 

[00:18:24] LHL: Okay. That’s awesome. 

[00:18:25] SW: I love the Robots movie. 

[00:18:26] LHL: Very cool.

[00:18:27] SW: Yeah. Did you see the robots over on the other end of the Children’s Museum?

[00:18:30] Gibson: Yeah.

[00:18:31] SW: Did you drive them?

[00:18:32] Gibson: Yeah.

[00:18:32] SW: Oh, that’s so cool. There are robots down there that you can drive.

[00:18:36] LHL: Oh, my gosh. I didn’t know that.

[00:18:37] SW: Mm-hmm. Very cool. 

[00:18:40] LHL: I love that. So you like to do art. Is there any other type of creative thing that you like to do? Do you like listening to music?

[00:18:45] Gibson: Yes.

[00:18:45] LHL: Oh. What kind of music are you into?

[00:18:47] Gibson: Imagine Dragons, Weezer.

[00:18:50] LHL: Oh, my God. Good taste on this kid. Yeah.

[00:18:53] SW: Cool. Yeah. Cool taste.

[00:18:53] LHL: What’s your favorite Weezer song?

[00:18:56] Gibson: Probably Buddy Holly.

[00:19:00] LHL: “Ooh-wee-hoo.” Yeah. So good. 

[00:19:01] SW: Oh. What a good one. What are you doing over here? Amazing parenting.

[00:19:08] LHL: Yes. I would say so. And what do you want to be when you grow up?

[00:19:13] Gibson: A mechanic.

[00:19:14] LHL: Very cool. So you really like machines and everything like that.

[00:19:18] Gibson: Mm-hmm.

[00:19:18] SW: Cool.

[00:19:19] LHL: That’s excellent.

[00:19:20] SW: What’s your favorite color, Gibson?

[00:19:21] Gibson: Purple.

[00:19:22] SW: Purple.

[00:19:26] LHL: What is your favorite sound?

[00:19:28] Gibson: “Vroom.” Yeah.

[00:19:30] SW: That was beautiful.

[00:19:30] LHL: Okay. I need to get that on – Gibson. Oh, Gibson. Is it okay if we take a video of you? All right. Gibson, can we hear what your favorite sound is again?

[00:19:40] Gibson: “Vroom-vroom.”

[00:19:43] LHL: I love it. What’s your favorite food, Gibson?

[00:19:47] Gibson: Burritos.

[00:19:47] SW: Oh, good one. 

[00:19:50] LHL: Yeah. Oh, I want a burrito right now. What is your favorite scent?

[00:19:54] Gibson: Smell of chocolate. 

[00:19:58] SW: Ooh, chocolate.

[00:19:57] LHL: Oh, that’s a good one. Yeah.

[00:20:00] SW: Yeah.

[00:20:02] LHL: What is your favorite texture to touch on your hand?

[00:20:05] Gibson: Probably the texture of like dirt. Like the sort of crumbly dirt.

[00:20:12] LHL: Yeah. That’s a really good tactile feeling.

[00:20:14] SW: Mm-hmm. Absolutely. 

[00:20:18] LHL: Is there anything else you want to share with us today about anything you like to do or any creative stuff you’re into?

[00:20:22] Gibson: No. 

[00:20:24] LHL: You’re all good?

[00:20:24] Gibson: Yeah.

[00:20:26] LHL: Gibson, it has been so fun to talk with you today.

[00:20:27] Gibson: It’s been fun to talk to you. Thank you. 

[00:20:29] SW: Oh, thank you so much for being on the show.

[00:20:32] Gibson: Thank you.

[00:20:33] LHL: Yeah.

[00:20:33] SW: Yeah. Thank you. 

[00:20:36] LHL: And what’s your name?

[00:20:36] George: George.

[00:20:37] LHL: George. 

[00:20:38] SW: George.

[00:20:39] LHL: I’m Laura.

[00:20:40] SW: Welcome to Creative Guts. I’m Sarah.

[00:20:41] George: Hi. 

[00:20:42] SW: We’re happy to have you on the podcast.

[00:20:44] George: I’m, too. 

[00:20:45] LHL: So what kind of creative things are you into?

[00:20:48] George: Well, I like art and music.

[00:20:50] LHL: Very cool. 

[00:20:51] SW: Let’s start with art.

[00:20:51] LHL: Yeah. What art do you make?

[00:20:53] George: I draw stuff in like either pen or pencil.

[00:20:56] LHL: Very cool. What kind of stuff?

[00:20:59] George: I don’t know really. I usually like to draw people, which is fun to do.

[00:21:04] LHL: Nice. Very cool.

[00:21:05] SW: Drawing people is kind of hard.

[00:21:07] LHL: Yes. People are very hard. What kind of music do you like?

[00:21:13] George: I like any type of music really.

[00:21:15] SW: Oh, cool.

[00:21:15] LHL: Do you make music at all?

[00:21:16] George: Yeah. Sometimes. I make like beats.

[00:21:18] LHL: Beats.

[00:21:19] SW: Cool. How do you do that? Do you play an instrument?

[00:21:23] George: No. Not really. But there’s an app that I use to make music.

[00:21:29] SW: Cool.

[00:21:29] LHL: Do you sing along with it at all? Or is it just like instrumental?

[00:21:34] George: Usually just instrumental. 

[00:21:35] LHL: Nice. That’s so neat. Is there a certain type of instrument or creative thing that you want to do someday that you haven’t done yet?

[00:21:42] George: Yeah. Sure. 

[00:21:43] LHL: What kind of thing do you want to do?

[00:21:44] George: Maybe like musician?

[00:21:46] LHL: Like trying another type of instrument?

[00:21:48] George: Yeah.

[00:21:49] LHL: Nice.

[00:21:49] SW: Cool.

[00:21:49] LHL: I play a little electric ukulele. That’s what I play. It’s really fun. 

[00:21:57] LHL: What’s your favorite color, George?

[00:21:58] George: Green.

[00:21:58] SW: Green.

[00:22:00] LHL: Ooh. What’s your favorite sound?

[00:22:02] George: That’s hard.

[00:22:03] LHL: It is a hard one. A lot of people get stumped with that one.

[00:22:07] George: I like to hear people burp.

[00:22:09] SW: Oh. I think that’s a first for this podcast. So I definitely – 

[00:22:13] LHL: Applaud you.

[00:22:14] SW: Definitely a first. What’s your favorite food?

[00:22:18] George: I go to this restaurant The Nook. And they serve eggs Benedict, which is really cool.

[00:22:25] SW: I love eggs Benedict. Great answer. 

[00:22:27] LHL: And shoutout to The Nook.

[00:22:29] SW: Yeah. Right? The Nook in downtown Dover, New Hampshire.

[00:22:32] LHL: What about like a texture to touch? Like a feeling on your hand when you touch it? What’s your favorite?

[00:22:39] George: You know how like there’s these really soft blankets?

[00:22:41] LHL: Yeah. 

[00:22:42] George: And then when you rub your hand across it, it feels really soft.

[00:22:46] SW: Yes. Yup.

[00:22:46] George: I like that feeling.

[00:22:47] LHL: Oh, very cool.

[00:22:48] SW: I can almost feel it. What’s your favorite scent?

[00:22:52] George: That is a hard one. 

[00:22:54] SW: Mm-hmm. It is a hard one.

[00:22:57] George: I have no idea.

[00:22:58] LHL: That’s okay. You got plenty of time to figure it out. 

[00:23:00] SW: Yup.

[00:23:01] LHL: And what do you want to be when you grow up?

[00:23:05] George: I want to be a musician.

[00:23:06] LHL: Oh, very cool. What kind of music do you want to do? Beats? Or do you want to try some other type?

[00:23:11] George: I want to try some other types.

[00:23:13] SW: Very cool. Plenty of time to experiment.

[00:23:16] LHL: Well, I can’t wait to hear the music that you make someday in the future, George.

[00:23:20] George: Hopefully.

[00:23:20] LHL: When you become a musician in 20 years, I hope you reach back out to Creative Guts and we can interview you again.

[00:23:26] SW: Yeah.

[00:23:26] George: Yes.

[00:23:27] SW: Thank’s so much for being on the podcast, George. It was nice to meet you.

[00:23:30] George: You’re welcome. Nice to meet you, too.

[00:23:34] LHL: And what’s your name? 

[00:23:34] Genevieve: Genevieve.

[00:23:36] SW: Genevieve. Great name. Welcome to Creative Guts. I’m Sarah.

[00:23:41] LHL: You’re the second Genevieve today.

[00:23:42] SW: Wait. No. Wait. Really?

[00:23:44] LHL: I believe so. Unless – wait. Did we talk earlier – no. We had another Genevieve. Oh, I love it. 

[00:23:49] SW: That’s so funny.

[00:23:51] LHL: Prettiest names. We’re talking today with folks about creativity and the things that they love to do and make. So do you like to make stuff?

[00:23:59] Genevieve: Yeah. I sell things.

[00:24:01] SW: You do? Oh, tell us more.

[00:24:01] LHL: Okay. Fill us all in. 

[00:24:03] Genevieve: I’m making a website. I haven’t fully made it yet. But I’m selling these Axolotls. They’re 3D-printed. I have some in my bag. 

[00:24:15] LHL: Oh, could we see?

[00:24:16] Genevieve: Yeah. I sell them. 

[00:24:19] LHL: Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, that feels amazing.

[00:24:23] SW: Oh, my gosh. So cool. Listeners, you can’t see this. But just trust us. 

[00:24:28] LHL: Wow. So you 3D print those. 

[00:24:30] SW: That’s amazing.

[00:24:31] Genevieve: Yeah.

[00:24:32] LHL: And what are they called? 

[00:24:33] Genevieve: Axalotls. 

[00:24:35] LHL: Axalotls. That’s also a really fun word to say.

[00:24:38] SW: It is. It is.

[00:24:38] Genevieve: Yeah.

[00:24:41] LHL: How long have you been doing this for?

[00:24:42] Genevieve: Probably like two weeks. 

[00:24:44] LHL: Wow.

[00:24:45] SW: Oh, my God.

[00:24:45] LHL: And you’re already really great at it.

[00:24:46] Genevieve: Yeah.

[00:24:47] SW: And how old are you?

[00:24:48] Genevieve: 11.

[00:24:50] SW: 11-year-old entrepreneur.

[00:24:51] LHL: So how are you selling them? You’re selling them online, you said?

[00:24:54] Genevieve: I’m making a website. But I’ve been selling them at my school.

[00:24:57] SW: Ah, so cool.

[00:24:59] LHL: And do folks like name them when they get them and – 

[00:25:01] Genevieve: Yeah.

[00:25:02] LHL: Oh, that is so neat. Wow. What other creative stuff do you do?

[00:25:06] Genevieve: I like sewing and gardening.

[00:25:09] LHL: That’s awesome.

[00:25:11] SW: That’s so cool.

[00:25:12] LHL: I love that. I feel like you seem to have like a really inspired life. You’re doing lots of making and experiencing a lot of cool things. Yup.

[00:25:19] SW: How did you learn how to 3D print?

[00:25:22] Genevieve: So my dad has had 3D printers in the past and he likes to 3D print things with me. But he got me one. So I started making them. 

[00:25:31] LHL: I’m just so impressed. Applaud to you, Genevieve. This is really interesting.

[00:25:36] SW: Yeah. Very good. I love it.

[00:25:39] LHL: I know. I think I want to 3D print something someday. Like you’ve inspired me. I think that’s so neat.

[00:25:44] SW: I love it. 

[00:25:45] LHL: So what do you want to be when you grow up?

[00:25:47] Genevieve: I don’t really know.

[00:25:48] LHL: You got plenty of time. So that’s all good. 

[00:25:50] SW: Yeah. Yeah. 

[00:25:51] LHL: Is there a creative thing that you haven’t done yet that you want to try?

[00:25:54] Genevieve: Not really. I’ve tried a lot of things. We have a lot at my house.

[00:25:58] SW: What’s your favorite color?

[00:26:00] Genevieve: Purple.

[00:26:00] LHL: What is your favorite scent to smell?

[00:26:04] Genevieve: Lavander. 

[00:26:06] SW: Oh, also purple. I love that. 

[00:26:07] LHL: Yeah. It’s a theme here. What’s your favorite food? Is it something purple? 

[00:26:13] Genevieve: I don’t know what my favorite food is.

[00:26:16] LHL: Purple grapes. That’s okay. That’s all right. What’s your favorite sound? 

[00:26:22] Genevieve: The sound of the waves crashing on the ocean. 

[00:26:24] SW: Hmm. Very good one. What’s your favorite thing to touch? Do you have a favorite texture?

[00:26:28] Genevieve: Not really.

[00:26:29] SW: No.

[00:26:29] LHL: And is there a favorite place that you like to go to to be creative? Either at your home, or the woods, or your school. Where are you most creative?

[00:26:40] Genevieve: I usually make my ideas when I’m kind of walking around. But I like to go into my game room and make my ideas.

[00:26:46] SW: Cool.

[00:26:46] LHL: That’s wonderful.

[00:26:48] SW: Have you had fun today at the Maker’s Fest?

[00:26:49] Genevieve: Yes. It’s really awesome.

[00:26:50] SW: Yeah. That’s great. It is awesome.

[00:26:52] LHL: Is this your first time on a podcast?

[00:26:53] Genevieve: Yes.

[00:26:55] LHL: Very nice. Well, when you get older and you’re making all these cool things, you’ll have to reach out to us again.

[00:26:59] Genevieve: I’ll come back.

[00:27:00] LHL: We’ll be keen to talk to you again.

[00:27:01] SW: Yeah.

[00:27:02] LHL: Thank you so much, Genevieve, for talking with us today.

[00:27:05] Genevieve: You’re welcome.

[00:27:05] LHL: It was awesome.

[00:27:05] SW: It was great to meet you. 

[00:27:08] LHL: And what’s your name?

[00:27:09] Kat: My name is Kat. 

[00:27:11] SW: Great to meet you, Kat. Welcome to Creative Guts.

[00:27:13] Kat: Hello.

[00:27:14] SW: It’s so good to have you on the podcast.

[00:27:17] Kat: Thank you.

[00:27:17] LHL: Are you having fun today?

[00:27:18] Kat: Yeah.

[00:27:19] LHL: Nice. And so, what kind of creative stuff do you like to make?

[00:27:23] Kat: I like to draw and paint.

[00:27:25] SW: Cool. What kind of things do you like to draw?

[00:27:27] Kat: I like to draw people and animals.

[00:27:29] SW: Cool. Hard stuff.

[00:27:31] LHL: Yeah. What type of animals are your favorite to draw?

[00:27:34] Kat: Probably cats or foxes.

[00:27:38] SW: Oh, my gosh. 

[00:27:38] LHL: Foxes are my favorite animal. I love foxes. And when you tell someone that it’s your favorite animal, that makes everyone gets you that thing for the rest of your life. So I have a lot of fox things in my house.

So what other creative things do you want to do someday that you haven’t done?

[00:27:57] Kat: I probably want to learn to sew. 

[00:27:59] SW: Cool.

[00:28:00] LHL: I find that really hard and challenging. Have you ever seen cross-stitch stuff? Do you know what that is?

[00:28:07] Kat: I feel like I’ve heard of it before.

[00:28:09] LHL: Yeah. Sarah’s really good at it. I’m – 

[00:28:11] SW: You might like cross stitch or embroidery.

[00:28:14] LHL: It’s kind of like sewing but you kind of like sew it into a pattern so it makes a picture. 

[00:28:19] SW: Yup. You could do cute little cross-stitch animals.

[00:28:20] LHL: Little foxes.

[00:28:21] SW: Little foxes. 

[00:28:24] LHL: What’s your favorite color?

[00:28:26] Kat: My favorite color is purple or mint green. 

[00:28:29] SW: Oh, nice choices. What’s your favorite food?

[00:28:33] Kat: Pasta.

[00:28:35] SW: Pasta.

[00:28:35] LHL: Ooh. What’s your favorite scent?

[00:28:37] Kat: I like the smell of lemons. I don’t know.

[00:28:39] SW: Oh, I love that.

[00:28:39] LHL: Oh, I love the citrus smell. It’s so nice.

[00:28:42] SW: Yeah. What do you want to be when you grow up? 

[00:28:45] Kat: Probably a marine biologist.

[00:28:48] SW: Oh, cool.

[00:28:48] LHL: Oh, that’s awesome. So are you in the seacoast? Do you go by the water a lot?

[00:28:52] Kat: Yeah.

[00:28:52] LHL: Nice. Oh, that’s so great. Cool. And where is a place that you go to for your making ideas? Your creative thinking?

[00:29:01] Kat: Usually the beach.

[00:29:03] SW: The beach. Love it.

[00:29:05] LHL: I love that. That’s so great. Is there anything else you want to share with us today about creativity? 

[00:29:10] Kat: I don’t think so.

[00:29:11] LHL: That’s okay. Hey, you did a great job. It was so nice talking with you today.

[00:29:16] Kat: Thank you.

[00:29:16] SW: Yeah. Thank you so much, Kat, for coming on the show.

[00:29:20] LHL: And what is your name?

[00:29:20] Aden: My name is Aden Field. 

[00:29:22] LHL: It's nice to meet you, Aden. 

[00:29:23] SW: It's really nice to meet you. Welcome to Creative Guts.

[00:29:26] Aden: Hello.

[00:29:26] LHL: So what type of stuff are you into making? Are you a creative?

[00:29:30] Aden: I'm not very creative. But my dad is a mechanic. And I guess I'm kind of into that.

[00:29:37] LHL: Like building.

[00:29:37] Aden: Yeah. It's very interesting how a car works because it's a machine and how it works. It's all the combustion systems. And I just think it's amazing how this insanely complex device is everywhere in our day-to-day life and we don't even notice it. 

[00:29:53] LHL: I know. It's almost like we take it for granted. Because it has so many parts and so many moving pieces. And that's really impressive. So it's neat that you've got that engineering mind to think of that.

[00:30:05] Aden: Yup.

[00:30:04] SW: Have you been over the table that the Port City Maker space has over in that corner? They're teaching people how to weld or solder. Really cool.

[00:30:12] Aden: Oh, yeah. I've just been over there.

[00:30:13] SW: Yeah. So cool. Right? Yeah. Soldering. Yup.

[00:30:16] LHL: So are you – like in school and stuff, do you need to do art and things like that?

[00:30:23] Aden: Yeah. I do art and stuff. I'm not really big on art and stuff. I find it interesting how art is such a huge thing. But I don't find it like as a hobby to me. 

[00:30:35] LHL: It's not calling your name as a hobby.

[00:30:37] Aden: Yeah.

[00:30:37] LHL: What about music? Are you into music?

[00:30:40] Aden: I'm into music. I think music is a very good way to express yourself as it is everywhere. And it is endless. There's no right or wrong answer to music. It's a really good way to express yourself.

[00:30:53] LHL: Do you make music?

[00:30:53] Aden: No. I do not make music. I just listen to it. 

[00:30:57] LHL: And what are you listening to these days?

[00:30:58] Aden: I listen [inaudible 00:31:01] listen to this specific band called Dirty Heads.

[00:31:03] LHL: Oh, what kind of music do they play?

[00:31:05] Aden: Reggae. Californian Reggae.

[00:31:09] SW: Cool.

[00:31:10] LHL: That's really great. 

[00:31:11] SW: That's awesome. California Reggae.

[00:31:13] LHL: I like that. I'm going to have to check them out. Thanks for the recommendation. And so, what is your favorite color?

[00:31:19] Aden: My favorite color is just black.

[00:31:20] LHL: Nice.

[00:31:21] SW: What do you want to be when you grow up?

[00:31:22] Aden: I'm probably just got to follow the shoes of my dad. I'm just going to probably be a mechanic. He has his own little shop.

[00:31:26] LHL: That's cool.

[00:31:30] SW: Yeah.

[00:31:30] LHL: That's great. What is your favorite sound?

[00:31:34] Aden: It's like a really low sound. It's where it's quiet. But it's just that enough so that we can hear it.

[00:31:39] SW: Sounds cool. And what's your favorite food?

[00:31:42] Aden: I really like Italian food. I like pasta.

[00:31:45] LHL: Pasta. Ooh. Are you into any movies, books, or anything lately?

[00:31:49] Aden: I don't read a lot. But I watch a lot of Marvel. 

[00:31:54] LHL: Oh, nice. 

[00:31:55] SW: Oh, cool.

[00:31:55] Aden: Yeah. I'm really big into it. Yeah. 

[00:31:56] LHL: Who's your favorite in the cinematic Marvel universe?

[00:31:59] Aden: I'm going to say Star-Lord. 

[00:32:00] LHL: Okay.

[00:32:01] SW: Nice.

[00:32:01] Aden: Because he's just like – he's mostly ordinary. But the way he turned out, it's very interesting.

[00:32:08] LHL: Yeah. And he's so funny too. He's got such a good personality. 

[00:32:11] SW: That's awesome. Very cool.

[00:32:12] LHL: Is there anything else you want to share with us today?

[00:32:14] Aden: No.

[00:32:16] LHL: Well, you were so fun to talk to. Thank you for being on the Creative Guts podcast.

So what is your name?

[00:32:22] Elise: My name is Else Madison Arnold. 

[00:32:24] SW: Ha. Hello, Elise.

[00:32:26] LHL: Elise, nice to meet you. And we're excited to have you on the Creative Guts podcast. So where at the Maker's Fest today, how are you a maker? Do you like to make art, or dance, or music? What do you like to do?

[00:32:36] Elise: I sometimes like to do dances at my house. And I also like to do art and crafts.

[00:32:43] SW: Oh, yay.

[00:32:45] LHL: So what kind of art do you like to make?

[00:32:47] Elise: I like to make random stuff, like a heart with like a star in the middle. Yeah.

[00:32:55] SW: Cool. Do you like use crayons, or paint, or something else?

[00:33:00] Elise: I like to use markers and paint.

[00:33:03] SW: Okay. Very cool.

[00:33:03] LHL: Very cool. And you said you like to dance, too?

[00:33:05] Elise: Yeah.

[00:33:06] LHL: Ooh. That's great. What kind of dances do you like to do? Like just all different kinds or – 

[00:33:11] Elise: I like to make up my own and then I like make up some moves. And then I like put them all together. And then I do them all together.

[00:33:19] SW: Oh, my gosh. You're a choreographer. Oh, my gosh.

[00:33:21] LHL: Yeah. That is so amazing. And so, what is like the best music for you to dance to?

[00:33:26] Elise: I think the best music for me to dance to is rather Taylor Swift or Olivia Rodrigo.

[00:33:34] SW: Cool. Very cool.

[00:33:35] LHL: Nice. What's your favorite Taylor song?

[00:33:37] Elise: Shake it off. 

[00:33:38] LHL: Oh, that's a good one.

[00:33:40] SW: Oh, what a classic.

[00:33:40] LHL: It really is. So what is your favorite color?

[00:33:46] Elise: Cyan and purple. 

[00:33:47] LHL: Oh, my gosh. Yes.

[00:33:48] SW: Very specific. I love that. What do you want to be when you grow up?

[00:33:51] Elise: I want to be a firefighter.

[00:33:53] SW: Whoa. That's the second firefighter we've had today.

[00:33:55] LHL: Nice. Yeah, that's so great. And what is your favorite scent to smell?

[00:34:00] Elise: My favorite scent to smell is rather flowers or the smell of Craftivity. 

[00:34:09] LHL: Ooh. That's awesome.

[00:34:09] SW: Cool. What's your favorite food?

[00:34:11] Elise: My favorite food is green apples. 

[00:34:14] SW: Oh.

[00:34:15] LHL: And what is your favorite sound?

[00:34:18] Elise: My favorite sound? There are so many to choose from. I don't really know.

[00:34:27] LHL: That's okay.

[00:34:27] SW: That's totally okay. 

[00:34:30] LHL: And where do you go for creative inspiration to get like ideas?

[00:34:35] Elise: I sometimes go to my friend's house and I look around at her house and then I like do crafts with her sometimes. And I sometimes just look around my house and look at some things on the wall and some things around me and then I just color it.

[00:34:54] LHL: Oh, I love that.

[00:34:54] SW: That's wonderful. Yeah.

[00:34:56] LHL: Is there anything else you want to share with us today?

[00:34:59] Elise: Um – no. That's it.

[00:35:03] LHL: Okay. Well, you did a great job today. Thank you for being on the podcast.

[00:35:05] Elise: Thank you. You're welcome.

[00:35:08] SW: Welcome to Creative Guts. What's your name?

[00:35:11] Grayson: My name is Grayson.

[00:35:13] LHL: And so, what type of stuff do you like to make or create?

[00:35:16] Grayson: I mean, I really like to go off other people's art where I get drawing books and learn from them and create my own ideas. And I feel like drawing is like just a really important thing for someone. It's just like actually really cool to like come up with those ideas and then just draw mine on a piece of paper.

[00:35:36] LHL: That is so great. What other – like you said, drawing books. Is it like certain styles that you're into?

[00:35:41] Grayson: Yeah. Like 3D and like more realistic. Instead of just like cartoony drawings.

[00:35:47] LHL: Okay.

[00:35:48] Grayson: I mean, sometimes I make animations. Just like – yeah. And it's just honestly really cool. I love the feeling of it too. It’s just like, so calming.

[00:35:56] LHL: Do you draw a lot?

[00:35:58] Grayson: Yeah.

[00:35:59] LHL: Oh, that's so cool. 

[00:36:01] SW: What do you draw with? Do you like colored pencils, or crayons, or something else?

[00:36:04] Grayson: I really like just using a pencil. I don't really color.

[00:36:06] SW: Okay.

[00:36:06] LHL: Oh, okay. So like a nice graphite feel. 

[00:36:09] Grayson: Yeah. 

[00:36:10] LHL: Nice. How old are you, by the way?

[00:36:12] Grayson: Oh, I'm 10.

[00:36:14] SW: Great.

[00:36:14] LHL: Nice. Nice. That sounds so great. And so, you do like art in school and then art at home. Is there other creative stuff that you're into? Like music, or writing, or dancing, or cooking, or anything like that?

[00:36:25] Grayson: Yeah. A lot of people call me a good dancer. 

[00:36:29] LHL: Nice.

[00:36:30] Grayson: I really don't encourage myself that much. But – yeah.

[00:36:36] LHL: Do you have fun when you do it?

[00:36:37] Grayson: Yeah.

[00:36:37] LHL: Well, that's all that matters. Yeah.

[00:36:38] SW: That's all that – yeah. Moving your body and having fun. What do you want to be when you grow up?

[00:36:48] Grayson: I actually feel like it would be cool with like technology so like an astronaut – imagine just floating in space. Like – and how different objects and like solids would react. If you put water in space – I've seen like these different videos. If you put water in space, it would act like a Jell-O just floating in the air. It's actually so bizarre. And then there's other stuff like engineering, too. Like you can literally create the next thing to go to another universe. That would be the future. How cool that actually is?

[00:37:21] LHL: Grayson, you have such an imagination. I have a feeling you could be one of those astronauts doing the next thing.

[00:37:27] SW: Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah.

[00:37:30] LHL: I love that. It's so great. Man, anything else you want to share with us today?

[00:37:35] Grayson: No.

[00:37:35] LHL: Can I take your picture with you and your sister together?

[00:37:37] Grayson: Yes. Yes, please. Yeah. Please. Please. Please. All right. Get over here. 

[00:37:43] LHL: Ah. Look at these siblings. 

[00:37:46] SW: You guys get along so great.

[00:37:48] LHL: So cute. 

[00:37:49] Grayson: All right. That was epic. 

[00:37:49] SW: You both did an amazing job.

[00:37:51] Speaker: Not really. We don't get along – [off mic]

[00:37:53] LHL: Oh, it's just for show. You're in public. Me and my sister are the same way. I mean, even now, in our 30s. Still is possible that we could get into a fight. 

[00:38:07] Grayson: It's really hard when you have a younger sibling. They're actually really annoying sometimes.

[00:38:11] LHL: Do you guys ever dance together or do creative stuff?

[00:38:13] Speaker: No.

[00:38:14] LHL: You do totally separate thing.

[00:38:15] Speaker: We do totally – 

[00:38:17] Grayson: Yes. Yeah.

[00:38:19] Speaker: He actually ignores me when he's having playdates with people.

[00:38:24] LHL: Oh, my goodness. Well, that will happen with siblings.

[00:38:27] Grayson: Yes.

[00:38:28] SW: I too have a younger sibling. So I feel you, Grayson.

[00:38:32] Speaker: He always just – 

[00:38:34] Grayson: It sucks. 

[00:38:35] Speaker: He's always trying to impress his friends.

[00:38:37] SW: No. It's the best.

[00:38:39] LHL: Oh, so cool. 

[00:38:42] Speaker: Why do you do that? Why?

[00:38:43] Grayson: I don't know. I feel like it. 

[00:38:45] SW: Thank you, both, so much.

[00:38:48] LHL: You did so great today. Thank you for being on the show. And you should – wait. Do you want to say goodbye again?

[00:38:56] Grayson & Speaker: Bye. 

[00:38:59] LHL: Thank you, both. Thanks.


[00:39:04] SW: Hello. Stella, would you like to say something to our listeners?

[00:39:10] Speaker: You were just talking a second ago. I put you in front the mic and now you're shy again.

[00:39:14] SW: That's how it goes. That's how it goes. It's a lot of pressure once you get in the hot seat.

Yup. We've had lots of cute kids on the show. Stella is doing a great job. This is probably the best interview of the day.

[00:39:33] Speaker: So I feel like for shameless plug – 

[00:39:34] SW: We'd love to hear your creative stuff.

[00:39:38] Speaker: Well, so I think, actually, Stella's mama might actually be the one to talk to, because she is super modest. And she's super modest. She is the president of Veterans in Performing Arts.

[00:39:55] LHL: That's awesome.

[00:39:54] Speaker: And has won multiple awards with the Spotlight Award.

[00:39:59] SW: What? Get on the show!

[00:40:02] Speaker: Sho won both – let's see here. Critics’ Choice and Audience Choice for the same play. So was that one that you directed or co-directed for Bengal Tiger?

[00:40:16] Speaker: Codirected. Yes. Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo, which was actually Robin Williams' last play on Broadway before he passed. 

[00:40:26] LHL: Wow. Can you share your name and just tell us a little bit more about it? Because this is really fascinating. 

[00:40:31] Suzie: Okay. So my name is Suzie Lavigne. And I am an Air Force veteran. And I am also the president of a Theater called Veterans in Performing Arts. So we've been on hiatus for about the last five years due to Covid and people having babies. 

[00:40:46] LHL: Sure. Sure. Yup.

[00:40:50] Suzie: But we've done multiple shows around the seacoast and at West End Theatre, and The Players' Ring. We have a few awards. Best Play for Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo, to which our friend, Don Gettler, I believe, won Best Supporting Actor for his portrayal. One of the Hussein kids. And then our good friend, Scott Deegan, won Best Actor for another play we did called All the Way. About the 60s and the Civil Rights Movement, which is so prevalent even today with all that's going on. So we're hoping to get back to it with One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Next here within the next year or so. 

[00:41:31] SW: Cool.

[00:41:31] LHL: That is going to be an amazing production. How did you get involved in this?

[00:41:36] Suzie: So I did theater when I was in high school. I'm more of a behind-the-scenes kind of girl. But I've always loved it. And then when I came back after I separated from the Air Force, a good friend of mine, Jonathan [Name inaudible 00:41:50], he has done a bunch of plays in the seacoast since he was probably in his 20s or so. At Prescott Park Arts Festival, I reconnected with him and they were having auditions. And that was back in 2013. And here we are now.

[00:42:06] LHL: Oh, wow. That's so amazing

[00:42:07] SW: That's so cool. Is there like a website or a social media so we can see when plays are going to happen?

[00:42:14] Suzie: Absolutely. We do have a Facebook page, and it's under VIPA-Veterans in Performing Arts.

[00:42:23] LHL: That is so great. We will tag you when the episode comes out. We'd love to share that. 

[00:42:26] SW: Absolutely. 

[00:42:29] Suzie: Thank you so much.

[00:42:28] SW: This is so cool. It was so great to meet you.

[00:42:30] Suzie: It was great meeting you. And thank you for being here at the Children's Museum for Maker's day.

[00:42:35] SW: Absolutely. Yeah. Thanks for coming.

[00:42:35] LHL: I know. This is so great. Good for you for shining the light on that, because she was not so sure at first, I think.

[00:42:41] SW: No.

[00:42:41] Speaker: This is one of my fun piece trivia, too, with Veterans in Performing Arts. So John Pollono, who wrote and star in the movie Small Engine Repair, at the end of the credits it even says, "Special thank you to Veterans in Performing Arts." 

[00:42:55] LHL: Oh, wow. Yeah.

[00:42:56] SW: That's so cool. 

[00:42:59] Suzie: It's impactful. We took his stage show and then our artistic director, Jonathan [Name inaudible 00:43:04] is very good about reaching out to the playwrights and actors who have either start on Broadway to invite them to come to our shows. So we had Rajiv Joseph, who was a Pulitzer Prize nominee for Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo. He came to our opening night along with a gentleman who played Brad on Broadway. 

[00:43:25] Speaker: Brad [inaudible 00:43:25]. Yeah.

[00:43:27] Suzie: Yeah. Brad [inaudible 00:43:28]. 

[00:43:28] LHL: Oh, wow. 

[00:43:28] Suzie: And then they all came back with John Pollono when we did the production of Small Engine Repair

[00:43:35] LHL: Wow.

[00:43:35] SW: Oh, my gosh.

[00:43:37] LHL: This is like the magic of this day. Like we just never know who we're going to run into. And that's so fantastic. Thank you for sharing all that with us.

[00:43:42] SW: Yes. Thank you.

[00:43:44] Suzie: Awesome. It's been a pleasure. Thank you so much for having me on.

[00:43:49] SW: This is awesome. Oh, it's fantastic.

[00:43:52] LHL: Is your little one into making art? Does she play with art at all? Or not yet?

[00:43:57] Suzie: We're getting in there. So she just turned a year old. And so, right now she's really kind of like into books. She made some spin art today. But, yeah. We're not afraid for her to put crayons in her mouth. 

[00:44:08] SW: Absolutely. 

[00:44:11] Suzie: We'll start with that. 

[00:44:12] LHL: She's so precious.

[00:44:13] SW: That's great. 

[00:44:15] LHL: All right. And what is your name?

[00:44:18] Ella: I'm Ella.

[00:44:18] LHL: Ella, it's nice to meet you. So what do you like to make? Like do you like to do art, or music, or dancing, or – 

[00:44:24] Ella: Music. 

[00:44:26] LHL: You like music. Okay.

[00:44:26] Ella: I like writing songs.

[00:44:27] LHL: You write songs? Do you play an instrument?

[00:44:30] Ella: No.

[00:44:31] LHL: No? So you write the lyrics?

[00:44:34] Ella: Yes. 

[00:44:35] LHL: Very cool. So do you perform these in front of anybody? Or is it just sort of for yourself?

[00:44:40] Ella: Sometimes I perform some songs.

[00:44:43] LHL: Oh, nice. That's so cool. At school or just in front of people? Friends?

[00:44:48] Ella: Friends.

[00:44:48] LHL: Friends. Okay. That's great. And do you like to do any visual arts at all?

[00:44:55] Ella: Yeah. But I don't really do it a lot. 

[00:44:58] LHL: Not do it too much. Yeah. Okay. Great. And what is your favorite color?

[00:45:04] Ella: My favorite color is purple.

[00:45:06] LHL: Purple. Okay. Great. What is your favorite scent?

[00:45:10] Ella: Lavander.

[00:45:11] LHL: Lavander. That's also purple. What is your favorite sound?

[00:45:18] Ella: When you [inaudible 00:45:20] and just does bubbles and you can just pop it.

[00:45:23] LHL: Oh, nice. What is your favorite thing to eat? What is your favorite thing to taste?

[00:45:29] Ella: Chips.

[00:45:30] LHL: Chips. Yup.

[00:45:31] SW: What kind?

[00:45:33] Ella: Salt and vinegar.

[00:45:35] LHL: Oh. Very specific taste right there. You either love it or you hate it. And what is your favorite thing to touch? Like the feeling of something on your hand?

[00:45:45] Ella: My cat, Todd. I have two cats. Todd and Tim.

[00:45:49] LHL: Oh. But you like Todd – touching Todd better? Is he softer?

[00:45:53] Ella: No. No. I like touching both of them. They're very soft. It's just Tim hides a lot.

[00:45:59] LHL: Oh. A little bit less game for some pets. 

[00:46:03] Ella: Yes.

[00:46:04] LHL: Yes. And what do you want to be when you grow up?

[00:46:08] Ella: Definitely a singer.

[00:46:10] LHL: Nice. Who are some singers that you really love?

[00:46:14] Ella: Jack Johnson, Ariana Grande. 

[00:46:17] LHL: Nice.

[00:46:18] Ella: Billie Eilish.

[00:46:19] LHL: I love her.

[00:46:21] Ella: That's all I can think of right now.

[00:46:23] LHL: Those are great ones though. That's so great. You got some good inspiration right there. 

[00:46:27] Ella: Mm-hmm. 

[00:46:27] LHL: And is there a creative thing that you want to try someday that you haven't done yet? Like do you want to learn an instrument or do some other type of – 

[00:46:34] Ella: I want to go bungee jumping. 

[00:46:36] LHL: Bungee jumping.

[00:46:38] Ella: Or jump off an airplane. Parachuting, I think.

[00:46:41] LHL: Wow. That is guts. That is very courageous. You could not pay me any amount of money to do that, because I'm a scaredy cat. But I applaud you, Ella, for really going for it. That is so cool. Is there anything else you want to share on the podcast?

[00:46:57] Ella: One thing that I would like to share is that don't be sad or mad of whoever you are if you don't like yourself. Just be happy about yourself. 

[00:47:08] LHL: Ella, that is such beautiful and lovely advice. And I really appreciate you sharing that, because people need to hear that more often. That's really good. Well, thank you for being on the podcast.

[00:47:18] Ella: Thank you for letting me be on the podcast.

[00:47:20] LHL: Absolutely. 

Hi. Do you want to say your name into the mic?

[00:47:24] Harper: My name is Harper.

[00:47:25] LHL: So what type of stuff do you like to do that's creative?

[00:47:29] Harper: I like to do art.

[00:47:31] LHL: Nice. So what type of art do you like to make?

[00:47:34] Harper: Any.

[00:47:34] LHL: Any. Do you like to draw or paint?

[00:47:37] Harper: I like to draw more. But sometimes I like to paint.

[00:47:39] LHL: Yeah. And what type of stuff do you draw?

[00:47:43] Harper: I draw trees or people.

[00:47:45] LHL: Trees or people. Okay. I love that. And do you tend to go for like a lot of colors? Or is it more like a pencil and black and white type?

[00:47:54] Harper: It kind of depends on the mood.

[00:47:56] LHL: Yeah. Nice. When you're doing art, what else is going on? Are you listening to music? Are you watching TV? Or is it just you focusing totally on the art?

[00:48:06] Harper: It kind of depends. Sometimes I find it inspiration. And then I'll try to do it. 

[00:48:12] LHL: I love that. Yeah. Do you like listening to music a lot?

[00:48:17] Harper: Yeah.

[00:48:17] LHL: What are some musicians that you're into?

[00:48:20] Harper: I like any. I would just get on any song.

[00:48:22] LHL: That's so great. Eclectic taste. I like that. And what is your favorite color?

[00:48:29] Harper: My favorite color is green.

[00:48:31] LHL: Green. What is your favorite scent to smell?

[00:48:35] Harper: I like cinnamon. 

[00:48:37] LHL: Oh, that's a great one. I don't think we've heard that today. What is your favorite sound?

[00:48:42] Harper: The ocean, like when the waves are splashing.

[00:48:45] LHL: That's such a relaxing and also energizing at the same time. That's such a good sound. What is your favorite thing to taste?

[00:48:53] Harper: I don't know.

[00:48:54] LHL: That's okay. What is your favorite thing to touch? Like the best texture?

[00:48:59] Harper: Something fuzzy. Like a fuzzy rug or my cat.

[00:49:02] LHL: Oh, that's nice. That's great. And what do you want to be when you grow up?

[00:49:07] Harper: I want to be an artist or a chef.

[00:49:09] LHL: Nice. Do you like to cook or bake?

[00:49:11] Harper: Yeah.

[00:49:11] LHL: What kind of stuff do you make?

[00:49:13] Harper: I usually make cornbread.

[00:49:15] LHL: Oh, that's so great. Anything else that you really like to do?

[00:49:20] Harper: Oh, yeah. We made a Boston cream pie.

[00:49:21] LHL: You made a Boston cream pie.

[00:49:23] Harper: Yeah.

[00:49:23] LHL: For some reason, I envision that being really complicated. Was it kind of hard? Or was it pretty easy to make?

[00:49:28] Harper: It was pretty easy. I thought it was going to be harder?

[00:49:30] LHL: Really? I just feel like it just seems like it's got a lot of layers, a lot to it. But, wow. You're really an accomplished chef already. I'm in my late 30s, and I can't accomplish that. So I think you should be very proud. That's really cool.

[00:49:43] Harper: Thank you.

[00:49:43] LHL: Are you having fun today at the Marker's Fest?

[00:49:47] Harper: Yeah.

[00:49:47] LHL: Oh, great. 

[00:49:48] Harper: Are you having fun?

[00:49:50] LHL: I'm having such a good time. I get to meet a lot of really cool kids like you, a lot of awesome family members. It's just been so amazing and inspiring. I've been hearing lots of cool answers to these questions. So I'm really glad that we're here today. 

Cool. So what's your name?

[00:50:06] Daniel: My name is Daniel.

[00:50:08] LHL: Are you a maker or a creative?

[00:50:09] Daniel: Yes, I am. But I'm also like on the cusp of ramping it up so as to be something that I'm primarily working on rather than just a hobby. So I started doing a podcast in 2021 just for fun, just because I need to get my – talk my yucks and there was no one to talk to. So I talk to myself. But now I'm trying to get into writing more.

[00:50:30] LHL: Okay. Okay. First, tell me a bit about the podcast. What's it called? And what's it about?

[00:50:36] Daniel: It's called Piece of Mind. And I spelled piece like puzzle piece because the idea was just like I just have things to say. And I didn't really have a niche to fit into. There are a lot of podcasts that are dedicated to a certain thing. But I don't know how to do that. I'm very multi-curious. And so, it's like I have an episode where I'm just rambling about how crazy it is that we all have different handwriting and how it speaks to our personality and what we've been through. I've sort of talked about politics. I talk about religion. 

I have an environmental background. So I just did – my most recent episode was talking about seasonal change and how we all have sort of seasonal amnesia where we're like, "Oh, it's winter. I'm so depressed. And then it's summer. I'm so happy." And we go through these cycles without actually acknowledging that we're going through cycles. And so, I was kind of trying to unpack that. I haven't done it for a while. And I feel like I've gone to the drawing board and I want to come back and be more intentional about it. 

[00:51:32] LHL: Is it streaming now? Can folks listen to it? 

[00:51:34] Daniel: Yeah, they can. 

[00:51:35] LHL: Oh, that's so great.

[00:51:37] Daniel: It's on – I have an RSS feed. It's on Spotify, Apple, Google. All that.

[00:51:41] LHL: Do you have a social media handle for it, or a website, or anything?

[00:51:44] Daniel: No. Well, you can go to and that'll bring you to the Spotify link. That was a Christmas gift from my brother actually. He got me a website domain, which was like a kind of a push to be like, "All right. Take it seriously."

[00:51:57] LHL: What a great gift.

[00:51:58] Daniel: Right.

[00:51:59] LHL: That is so cool.

[00:51:59] Daniel: And that came out of left field because my brother is sort of very to himself. And I don't even think he's listening to my podcast. But he just knows that I do it. So he did that. 

[00:52:08] LHL: But he wants to foster that. It sounds like your podcast is very – your imagination is exploring your curiosity about the world and turning around these ideas. That sounds – and it's just you solo?

[00:52:21] Daniel: Yes. For the most part, it's me solo. But I've done two interviews that I recorded with people, but I just never got to uploading them. And that was like two years ago now. And they keep reminding me like, "Hey." But I have a friend that I met in college and he just reached out recently saying he wanted to do one. And he wants to really talk about like self-perception. Because he just graduated college and he was on the whole professional development wave, and LinkedIn, and building your network. And then he's like, "Well, I kind of just want to do what I want to do." And so, he has a lot to say about that. We actually might get together next week or something and do a podcast. 

[00:52:55] LHL: That sounds fascinating. I'm definitely going to look it up, because it sounds like a really cool idea. And like you have a ton of thoughts and ideas on very – 

[00:53:01] Daniel: Yeah. Too many. 

[00:53:03] LHL: Well, the handwriting one. I mean, it's almost like these thoughts that we all have. But you're kind of bringing it to the surface of like what makes us individual and what makes us community. And all these things that tie us together, but are also unique.

[00:53:15] Daniel: Absolutely. That's sort of – my whole philosophy centers around truthful things are paradoxical. And you can go and shelter away and create your own niche or whatever. But at the same time, that puts you into the full community of people that are also doing that. I'm still figuring out where I want to go with it. But I don't like the idea of boxing myself into like, "Oh, I'm a true crime podcast." Or, "I'm a sports podcast." There's a lot of that. So I feel a lot of pressure to do it. But at the same time, whenever I try, it just doesn't feel right. 

[00:53:44] LHL: It doesn't feel authentic.

[00:53:46] Daniel: Exactly. Exactly.

[00:53:46] LHL: Yeah. And you mentioned writing.

[00:53:48] Daniel: Yeah. 

[00:53:49] LHL: Tell me a bit about that.

[00:53:50] Daniel: I graduated college a year ago and I had a Capstone paper to do. And I worked with an adviser. And she recognized my writing potential and wanted to try to publish something with me. And so, I sort of worked towards academic publishing for a bit. But it never really panned out, because I felt like I lost – I was so into it, into the paper that I was doing, and I had a lot of passion for it that I got burnt out with the idea that I had to meet all these academic standards, and publishing credentials, and building clout. And I know you have to build clout in any realm to really speak and have a platform. But at the same time, it felt like it stifled me just wanting to spew and to get out what I wanted to get out. 

I hit that wall. And then I kind of went away for a while. But since graduating, I've probably read more books than I read during college. And I've written more. I've written poetry. I've written just – so I did a lot of poetry for a while. I joined a poetry club in college that I only went to a few times. But it was just cool to see that people were on their own time writing and working through stuff through that medium and sharing it. And I was like, "Whoa. This is like something that I feel like I should do more." Because I think in words when I'm talking. I make jokes with words. And I really like playing with language. I don't know where the writing will take. But a children's book is on the horizon possibly.

[00:55:16] LHL: Oh, that is great. What a great place here today for inspiration.

[00:55:19] Daniel: Right. There's someone over there who does children's books. I got to talk to them, too.

[00:55:23] LHL: Oh, that's so great. Do you do visual art at all, too? 

[00:55:26] Daniel: No. I did Illustrator and Photoshop in high school. And I gained a lot of respect for it. But I haven't practiced enough to call myself. But I'm a tinkerer. I see things, I'm "That's cool" But I work at Somersworth Idlehurst Elementary School. And one of my co-workers is a digital artist. And I was talking about it the other day and she's like, "Oh, I illustrate children's books." I'm like, "Whoa." She's like, "I have a website and a phone number. Here you go." And I was like, "Okay." So – 

[00:55:52] LHL: Collaboration on the horizon.

[00:55:53] Daniel: Exactly. Little things like that. 

[00:55:54] LHL: Wow. That is so wonderful. 

[00:55:56] Daniel: Yep. It's crazy.

[00:55:57] LHL: It sounds like you've got like a lot of different creative passions and endeavors that you like to do. Do you get creative block or burnout with any of these things? Or do you kind of take it out of pace that it's not affecting you that way? 

[00:56:12] Daniel: I think it's been a very passive activity so far. Almost self-therapeutic. And so, I think, through that, I've avoided the burnout. But now that I've started really thinking about it as – when people say, "What do you want to do?" And I think my first thought is I want to write a book. But I hesitate to say that, because, in a way, it's such a large commitment to be like, "Oh, I want to be a writer." Because then it's like, "Well, what do you do? What do you write about?" And then I'm like, "I don't know yet." But I enjoy the process. I enjoy playing around with ideas and stuff. So, no. But I feel like I've hit the professional block where I'm like I can't – there's no way I could do this and monetize it and make money. And do I even want that to be the main focus? I don't know. I'm like I've set up a Substack and Medium account. But I haven't actually started publishing anything. I'm probably going to go home and do it after this conversation. 

[00:57:02] LHL: That's awesome. Feeling the inspiration and feeling all of that. That's so great.

[00:57:05] Daniel: Yeah. 

[00:57:07] LHL: We don't have an opening currently for it. But we have calls for submissions to Zines that we publish. We do art and writing in these group Zines. And so, I think the next one will be in the fall. So you should follow us. Or if not, at least check in on us.

[00:57:22] Daniel: Absolutely. Absolutely.

[00:57:23] LHL: And next time we have our call, you should submit some writing. 

[00:57:25] Daniel: Yeah. 

[00:57:26] LHL: Poetry or prose. Whatever it may be. 

[00:57:28] Daniel: Yeah. What sort of things do you – 

[00:57:29] LHL: It's a big mix. I mean, a lot of poetry does come end up in the Zine. We always mix kind of art and writing together. And you can go on our website and see all our past Zines. We've done about 10 or so. We do a couple youth ones every now and then. But, mostly, it's for adults. And it's just a really cool thing to have your work with a collection of other people, you know? 

[00:57:50] Daniel: Absolutely. 

[00:57:51] LHL: Yeah.

[00:57:51] Daniel: Yeah. When I had my senior Capstone, they made a little like catalogue of all the things with our app. I was like, "Whoa. That's my name amongst a bunch of other people's names." And just that feeling is cool. 

[00:57:59] LHL: Yup. And you have it forever on your shelf. And it's just a nice thing to look back on and – 

[00:58:03] Daniel: Colleting dust. Yeah. Yeah.

[00:58:07] LHL: So cool. Well, is there anything else you want to share with us today? Any other cool things to plug? Because I feel like you've already shared a lot of awesome stuff. But is there any more that you want to – 

[00:58:15] Daniel: Well, my friend that I referenced, the digital artist's website is Also, sort of seems like a new endeavor for this person. And I wish them the best. But plugs, I'm not there yet. I still got to build all the things. But – 

[00:58:28] LHL: Shoutouts are great though. That's so good to highlight and spotlight another creative that's pursuing their passion. We love that.

[00:58:36] Daniel: Absolutely. And just seeing this on the – I saw it on the brochure and I was like, "Oh, mini-podcast interview. I'll have to mozy on in there. Shoutout to you for doing this. This is a cool thing.

[00:58:46] LHL: We are just about to hit our 5-year anniversary of our podcast.

[00:58:48] Daniel: Very cool. 

[00:58:48] LHL: It's been a long road. And we're super excited to be doing it. And it's just fun to be here. And we've been interviewing little kids as young as four and adults. And it's just a really great mix, you know? Everyone's creative. That's what we believe. It's just a muscle you need to flex, practice, and play with.

[00:59:04] Daniel: Absolutely. That's how – and nothing gets done without that creative aspect. 

[00:59:08] LHL: Yup. Yeah. Yeah. Well, thank you so much for being on the podcast.

[00:59:12] Daniel: Yeah. Thank you, Laura. It was a pleasure.

[00:59:14] LHL: Yeah. It really was. This was awesome. 

And what's your name? 

[00:59:17] Lucas: Lucas.

[00:59:18] LHL: Thank you for being on the Creative Guts podcast. 

[00:59:20] Lucas: You're welcome.

[00:59:21] LHL: We're at the Maker Fest today. How are you a maker? Do you like to make things? 

[00:59:25] Lucas: I do like to make things. I make a lot of stuff with Legos a lot of the time.

[00:59:30] LHL: You're building and constructing. 

[00:59:32] Lucas: Yeah. I haven't done it in a while though. 

[00:59:36] LHL: Are you doing things that are kind of like already preset building pirate ships? Or are you making your own sort of sculptures? 

[00:59:44] Lucas: I don't know what I'm making until I start getting an idea. I just build until I figure something out. 

[00:59:50] LHL: And where do you get your ideas? 

[00:59:53] Lucas: I don't know usually. It's just from the stuff in my head. If it reminds me of something, I'll try to go onto that path. And if it doesn't work out, I'll go on to a completely other path.

[01:00:03] LHL: Whoa. That's really cool. Are you usually doing this on your own? Or do you have siblings or friends? 

[01:00:08] Lucas: Usually on my own. Unless my siblings try to annoy me while I do it.

[01:00:13] LHL: As siblings do, right? 

[01:00:15] Lucas: Yeah.

[01:00:15] LHL: And are you doing any like art in school or other types of things that are making? 

[01:00:22] Lucas: I used to have art, but I don't anymore. Next year, I'm going to be doing French.

[01:00:28] LHL: Ooh, very cool.

[01:00:30] Lucas: Yeah.

[01:00:31] LHL: That's awesome. And what about creative things that you're into? Like music, or book, or movies? What creative stuff are you into these days? 

[01:00:39] Lucas: I'm more into books of fiction. It's more interesting to look at considering it's – when it comes to a non-fictional book, you'll know what to expect when there's something like if that happened and then that happened. And then you're like, "Oh, obviously. This is going to happen next. Because this is a real thing." Nothing is not going to like just all of a sudden happen. 

[01:01:05] LHL: Shock you. Yeah.

[01:01:06] Lucas: Yeah. Because with fiction books, you don't know what to expect. It could be about anything. And it's the best part about fictional books. And I love it.

[01:01:16] LHL: What are some of your favorite books? 

[01:01:19] Lucas: My favorite is the FNAF series. I've been reading a lot of that. I haven't had too many books of it yet. I have two of them right now. I've read both of them a total of like five times. 

[01:01:32] LHL: I love going back to a good book. 

[01:01:34] Lucas: Yeah. 

[01:01:35] LHL: Do you think you'll ever want to be a writer or do some writing yourself? 

[01:01:40] Lucas: No. But my grandma is pretty soon going to be publishing a book about these two conjoined twins. 

[01:01:46] LHL: What? Is it nonfiction? 

[01:01:47] Lucas: It's Fiction. 

[01:01:49] LHL: It's fiction? 

[01:01:50] Speaker: They're not conjoined. They're identical. 

[01:01:54] Lucas: They're identical. 

[01:01:55] LHL: They're identical twins. Yeah. That is so cool though. And what is the book – do you know what the book's called? 

[01:02:02] Lucas: No. 

[01:02:03] LHL: Oh. An untitled project for our ears right now. But that's really neat. That's so cool. What other creative stuff? Do you like music or movies? Anything like that? 

[01:02:15] Lucas: On a very rare occasion, I'll try to make music. 

[01:02:18] LHL: What type of music do you make? 

[01:02:21] Lucas: Bad-sounding music. 

[01:02:22] LHL: Why is it bad? 

[01:02:24] Lucas: I just don't do it often. It's more of like a – 

[01:02:27] LHL: Experimentation type of thing? 

[01:02:29] Lucas: Yeah. It's more of an experimentation. 

[01:02:31] LHL: Okay. Cool. And so, are you working on like an app like on your iPad? Or are you using instruments? 

[01:02:38] Lucas: Usually, I do it at my school on my Chromebook.

[01:02:41] LHL: Wicked cool. That's awesome. It's such a good resource to have to do something like that. Do you like to write lyrics and sing, too? Or is it just about the instruments? 

[01:02:49] Lucas: It's just about the instruments for me.

[01:02:51] LHL: Yeah. That's so neat. What is your favorite color? 

[01:02:55] Lucas: Green.

[01:02:56] LHL: Green. What is your favorite scent?

[01:03:00] Lucas: When the temperature changes really fast when it's raining.

[01:03:03] LHL: Oh, that's a very specific one. That's really good. What is your favorite sound?

[01:03:09] Lucas: I don't really have a favorite sound.

[01:03:11] LHL: Yeah. That's a tough one. What is your favorite texture to touch with your hands?

[01:03:16] Lucas: Really soft or something like oobleck. Or non-Newtonian, which is what oobleck is. 

[01:03:23] LHL: I don't know what those things are. Is that like – 

[01:03:26] Lucas: Oobleck is – if you hit it hard, it's hard. But if you slowly put your hand into it, it's soft. And that's what's called a non-Newtonian fluid.

[01:03:36] LHL: You just taught me something new today. So thank you for that. That's really neat. And what do you want to be when you grow up?

[01:03:44] Lucas: Engineer.

[01:03:44] LHL: Nice. The builder mind, if that makes sense. 

[01:03:46] Lucas: Yeah.

[01:03:47] LHL: That's so cool. Is there anything else you want to share with us on the podcast today?

[01:03:51] Lucas: I have too many animals. I have two birds. I have a cat at my mom's – two cats at my dad's. A dog at my mom's. A bearded dragon at my mom's. A dog at my grandma's. And two cats at my grandma's. So – 

[01:04:12] LHL: That's quite a lot of animals. 

[01:04:15] Lucas: I have another cat at my mom's. But that's not my cat. 

[01:04:18] LHL: Do you get to name them when you get them? Have you named most of them?

[01:04:22] Lucas: There's Akita, my dog. Guacamole, the other dog at my grandma's. I would say the original name. But – 

[01:04:30] LHL: No. That's fine. 

[01:04:34] Lucas: Then there's Rosie the razor, because of the claws. So we came up with Rosie the Razor. Then there's Oreo, our black and white cat at my step-my-mom's and dad's. She isn't getting along with the kitten. The kitten is only like five, six-weeks old. Eight-weeks old. Something. 

[01:04:56] LHL: Oh, that's so cool. So you love animals.

[01:04:58] Lucas: Yeah.

[01:04:59] LHL: Oh, that's so great. 

[01:05:00] Lucas: And the cat at my mom's is Sammy. He's a very cuddly cat.

[01:05:06] LHL: Oh, that's awesome. Well, it's an art form to name pets. So I applaud you. Thanks for being on the podcast. I appreciate you chatting with me today.

[01:05:16] Lucas: Yeah, anytime.

[01:05:17] LHL: Yeah. 

And what is your name? 

[01:05:19] Oliver: Oliver. 

[01:05:20] LHL: So we're at the Maker Fest today talking about creativity with folks. So how are you creative? Do you like art, or writing, or dancing, or music?

[01:05:33] Oliver: I like dancing and singing.

[01:05:35] LHL: Dancing and singing? That's awesome.

[01:05:36] Oliver: And drawing. 

[01:05:36] LHL: Oh, my gosh. You do it all. Oliver, that's so cool. What kind of art do you like to make?

[01:05:43] Oliver: Just drawing shapes and stuff. 

[01:05:45] LHL: Oh, that's so great. So what about dancing?

[01:05:50] Oliver: Just regular stuff. 

[01:05:51] LHL: Just regular stuff. And what kind of music do you dance to when you're dancing?

[01:05:56] Oliver: All sorts of things. 

[01:05:58] LHL: All sorts of things? Do you have a favorite? I know it's hard to pick when there are so many.

[01:06:01] Oliver: No. 

[01:06:04] LHL: Cool. What other creative stuff do you like to do? Do you make songs?

[01:06:08] Oliver: Aha.

[01:06:10] LHL: Ooh. That's so exciting. Really?

[01:06:14] Oliver: Aha.

[01:06:14] LHL: Ooh. Anything you want to share with us?

[01:06:17] Oliver: No. Because whenever I do them, I just forget them immediately. So it's like – 

[01:06:21] LHL: Oh, yeah. I understand that. You know, you get all this creative energy and then it just "poof" goes. What are the types of things that you're singing about? Just anything you're seeing or is it specific?

[01:06:34] Oliver: It's like anything that pops up into my head and is like – 

[01:06:39] LHL: And you have to sing about it.

[01:06:40] Oliver: Yeah. 

[01:06:41] LHL: Oh, I love that. Are you interested in like learning an instrument? Or do you know any – 

[01:06:46] Oliver: Well, I want to learn the guitar. But my mom said that I'm not allowed to. I have to play the drums first. But I'm like – 

[01:06:55] LHL: Drums are so cool.

[01:06:55] Oliver: But I want to learn the guitar. Why aren't you letting me play the guitar?

[01:07:01] LHL: Do you guys have access to drums maybe?

[01:07:03] OIiver: Yeah. I have one in my room.

[01:07:05] LHL: I want one in my room. That's so cool. Well, I'm guessing guitar will be in your future someday probably. You know?

[01:07:12] OIiver: Yeah.

[01:07:12] LHL: It's just going to take some time to learn one thing at a time. I play the electric ukulele. So that's my instrument. But I also have an accordion. And occasionally, I noodle with that. 

[01:07:22] OIiver: Hmm. 

[01:07:23] LHL: Have you ever heard of a theremin?

[01:07:25] OIiver: No. What is a theremin?

[01:07:27] LHL: A theremin is the only instrument in the world where you don't touch it to play it. So it makes – it's like a long tube with an antenna. And you wave your arms around – 

[01:07:39] OIiver: I'm pretty sure that I know what they are. 

[01:07:42] LHL: You seen it maybe?

[01:07:43] OIiver: Maybe I've seen it. I don't know. 

[01:07:46] LHL: It makes a sound like this [Sound inaudible 01:07:48]. Like it makes this like weird kind of ghostly sound.

[01:07:56] OIiver: Oh, yeah. I've definitely heard of it, then. 

[01:07:57] LHL: Yeah. They're pretty neat. It's been weird to try to learn it though. Because all you have to do is just wave your arms around. There are no like notes to play like on a guitar that you always remember. So it's very unique. 

So what is your favorite color, Oliver?

[01:08:14] Oliver: Blue and purple.

[01:08:16] LHL: Oh, I love blue and purple. What is your favorite scent to smell?

[01:08:20] OIiver: Lavender. 

[01:08:21] LHL: Oh, you're the third person to say lavender today. I feel like everyone's in such a lavender spirit. Maybe because it's spring. What is your favorite sound?

[01:08:31] OIiver: Womp.

[01:08:33] LHL: Womp? I love that. And what is your favorite texture to touch? Like a sensation in your hand? Like a feeling?

[01:08:43] OIiver: Slime.

[01:08:45] LHL: Slimes. A couple of other kids have said that, too. I feel like everyone's into slime. Is there a slime thing happening at the festival today?

[01:08:52] OIiver: No. 

[01:08:54] LHL: It's just that everyone's really into slime. 

[01:08:55] OIiver: Yeah. 

[01:08:55] LHL: I love that. And what do you want to be when you grow up?

[01:08:58] OIiver: A rockstar.

[01:08:58] LHL: A rockstar. Well, in 20 years when you're a rockstar, will you come back on the podcast?

[01:09:03] Oliver: Probably not. 

[01:09:07] LHL: Listen. We're a big deal, okay? Oliver, you need to come back on the podcast.

[01:09:12] Oliver: I don't know about that. 

[01:09:18] LHL: Well, you do you, man. It's been so fun to talk with you today. I want to thank you so much for being on the podcast. You did a great job.

[01:09:27] Oliver: Thank you. 

[01:09:28] LHL: I think you're going to be a rockstar.

What is your name?

[01:09:32] Ethan: Ethan.

[01:09:34] LHL: What creative things do you like to do? Do you like art, or music, or writing?

[01:09:39] Ethan: I do like Spider-Man. 

[01:09:42] SW: Spider-Man.

[01:09:43] LHL: Spider-Man is really fun. 

[01:09:44] SW: Spider-Man is very cool.

[01:09:46] Ethan: And Legos. 

[01:09:49] SW: And Legos?

[01:09:50] LHL: So you like to build things, huh?

[01:09:52] SW: Building things with Legos is very creative. 

[01:09:54] LHL: Oh, it really is. You're basically sculpting. What are some of the favorite colors that you like to play with your Legos?

[01:10:04] Ethan: Red and blue.

[01:10:06] LHL: Red and blue. Spider-Man's colors.

[01:10:08] SW: Yeah. Perfect. 

[01:10:10] LHL: Ethan, what is your favorite sound? 

[01:10:15] Ethan: Spider-Man's web sound.

[01:10:18] LHL: Can you make it? 

[01:10:20] Ethan: [Sound inaudible 01:10:20].

[01:10:23] LHL: That's great. Do you like to do art at all?

[01:10:29] Ethan: No. 

[01:10:30] LHL: That's okay. 

[01:10:31] Speaker: I like to do art.

[01:10:33] SW: You do? Wonderful. What's your favorite food, Ethan? 

[01:10:39] Ethan: Blueberries.

[01:10:40] SW: Blueberries. I love blueberries.

[01:10:40] LHL: That's mine, too. Blueberries are my favorite. I love that. 

[01:10:44] SW: Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?

[01:10:47] Ethan: A baker.

[01:10:49] SW: A what? 

[01:10:50] Ethan: A baker, yeah.

[01:10:52] SW: Cool. 

[01:10:53] LHL: Is there anything else you want to share with our audience today? Are you having fun at the Maker's Fest?

[01:10:59] Ethan: Yeah. 

[01:10:59] LHL: Yeah? Well, thank you for joining us today.

[01:11:03] SW: Thanks, Ethan. 

[01:11:05] LHL: So do you want to share your name with us?

[01:11:08] Daniel: It's Daniel. 

[01:11:09] LHL: Hi, Daniel. 

[01:11:08] SW: Hi, Daniel. 

[01:11:10] LHL: Is this your first podcast?

[01:11:13] Daniel: Yes, I think.

[01:11:13] SW: Cool. 

[01:11:15] LHL: Very exciting. So what kind of creative things do you like to do?

[01:11:19] Daniel: It's videogame. And it's kind of like sticking Legos together. But instead, it's just like putting down stuff.

[01:11:27] LHL: Is it like Tetris?

[01:11:29] SW: Is it Minecraft per chance? 

[01:11:30] Daniel: Yes. 

[01:11:31] LHL: Oh, that's a more modern answer. 

[01:11:33] SW: I'm hip. 

[01:11:38] LHL: So you like building things.

[01:11:40] Daniel: Yeah. 

[01:11:40] LHL: Oh, very cool. And is there any other creative things that you like to do?

[01:11:45] Daniel: Art. 

[01:11:46] LHL: Oh, what type of art do you make?

[01:11:47] Daniel: Like spin art. I just did in the room a spin art.

[01:11:53] LHL: Some cool spin art? 

[01:11:55] SW: Cool. 

[01:11:55] Daniel: Yeah. 

[01:11:56] SW: Spin art is fun.

[01:11:57] Daniel: I did spin art with Legos. They build the spin art machine out of Legos and then I use markers and – 

[01:12:08] LHL: That sounds wicked fun.

[01:12:10] Daniel: It is.

[01:12:10] LHL: Oh. And what's your favorite color?

[01:12:13] Daniel: I think red and blue.

[01:12:13] SW: Red and blue. Just like Spider-Man and just like your brother. 

[01:12:19] LHL: Yeah.

[01:12:19] SW: I love that. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?

[01:12:22] Daniel: I'm going to think a rockstar.

[01:12:25] SW: A rockstar? Very cool. 

[01:12:29] LHL: Will you come back and talk with us in 20 years when you're big and famous?

[01:12:33] Daniel: Maybe.

[01:12:34] LHL: Keep your options open. There are a lot of podcast options out there. 

[01:12:38] SW: The last kid said no. So we appreciate a maybe.

[01:12:43] LHL: And what is your favorite scent to smell? What's your favorite smell?

[01:12:48] Daniel: I think the birds. 

[01:12:51] SW: Oh, yeah?

[01:12:51] LHL: The birds. Okay. And what's your favorite food?

[01:12:55] Daniel: Chocolate chips.

[01:12:56] SW: Chocolate chips. Yeah. 

[01:12:56] Daniel: Or trail mix.

[01:12:59] SW: Oh, or trail mix.

[01:13:00] Daniel: Because it has chocolate chips or M&Ms. 

[01:13:02] SW: Do you put extra chocolate in your trail mix?

[01:13:04] Daniel: Not really.

[01:13:06] SW: Okay.

[01:13:08] LHL: And what is your favorite feeling to touch? Your favorite texture?

[01:13:13] Daniel: I think clay.

[01:13:14] LHL: Oh, that's a good one.

[01:13:15] SW: Oh. Yeah, a really good one. You like playing with clay?

[01:13:17] Daniel: Yeah. 

[01:13:17] SW: Cool. 

[01:13:19] Daniel: The texture when it is like done when it's dry.

[01:13:24] SW: Yeah. 

[01:13:25] Daniel: Like that texture. 

[01:13:27] SW: Very cool.

[01:13:27] Daniel: We have one of those models at my house.

[01:13:31] LHL: That's awesome. 

[01:13:31] SW: Very cool.

[01:13:31] LHL: Well, thank you for being on the podcast. 

[01:13:34] Daniel: You're welcome. 

[01:13:35] LHL: It was really fun to talk with you today.

[01:13:37] SW: You were a great interviewee. 

[01:13:40] LHL: All right. So, hello. And what is your name? 

[01:13:43] Jensen: Jensen. 

[01:13:46] LHL: And I'd love to learn more about how you're a maker. Do you create – are there certain creative things that you like? 

[01:13:52] Jensen: Well, I play Minecraft and built houses. And guess what they got? 

[01:13:57] LHL: Oh, my gosh. That is so cute. That's a little Minecraft character? 

[01:14:02] Jensen: Yeah. [inaudible 01:14:03].

[01:14:05] LHL: Oh, very cool. Do you like to do art, or drawing, writing, or music?

[01:14:13] Jensen: Art.

[01:14:13] LHL: Do you like to do art? What kind of art do you like to do?

[01:14:18] Jensen: I like making dragons. 

[01:14:20] LHL: I just drew a dragon. They're really hard to draw.

[01:14:23] Jensen: And I do an S like —

[01:14:26] LHL: Ooh. With like z's? Like that? Ooh. That's really cool. Do you like to color them in. Or is it just like line art?

[01:14:34] Jensen: Color them in.

[01:14:35] LHL: Color them in. And what's your favorite color?

[01:14:39] Jensen: Red and blue. 

[01:14:39] LHL: Red and blue is so popular. That's really cool. And what is your favorite sound to hear?

[01:14:48] Jensen: Music.

[01:14:49] LHL: Music? Are there certain types of bands or types of music that you like?

[01:14:56] Jensen: I like Darth Vader music.

[01:14:58] LHL: What is it?

[01:15:00] Speaker: Darth Vader music.

[01:15:01] LHL: Darth Vader music. Can you give us a sound for it right now?

[01:15:05] Jensen: It's, "Bam-bam-bam-bap-ba-bam. Bam-ba-bam. Bam-bam-bam-bam-bam-ba-bam. Bam-ba-bam. Bam-bam-bam-bam. Ba-ba-bam-bam. Bam."

[01:15:20] LHL: Excellent job. 

[01:15:21] SW: So good. 

[01:15:22] LHL: That was so great. Do you like Darth Vader?

[01:15:25] Jensen: Yeah. 

[01:15:25] LHL: Is he like your favorite chracter? 

[01:15:27] Jensen: Yeah. And he's a bad guy.

[01:15:29] LHL: He's a bad guy? But he's kind of changes his story in the end to be kind of a good guy. Right? 

[01:15:36] Jensen: Yeah. He saves the good guy from his bad guys [inaudible 01:15:42].

[01:15:42] LHL: Yeah. He's a complicated character, for sure. 

[01:15:46] Jensen: He was nice. Then bad. Then nice.

[01:15:50] LHL: What's your favorite food?

[01:15:50] Jensen: Macaroni cheese and chicken nuggets. And donuts.

[01:15:55] LHL: Oh, yup. So good. That's excellent. And what do you want to be when you grow up?

[01:16:01] Jensen: Hmm. A fixer — which build tall towers and build houses. 

[01:16:08] LHL: Oh, nice. That's wonderful. That's a lot of creativity that's in that. I love that. 

[01:16:12] Jensen: Just like Minecraft.

[01:16:14] LHL: Yeah. 

[01:16:13] Jensen: And I built a farm in Minecraft?

[01:16:17] LHL: You did? Wow.

[01:16:19] Jensen: With pallets. 

[01:16:20] LHL: That's so cool. Well, great. It was so nice talking with you today. Thank you for being on the podcast.

[01:16:28] Jensen: Thank you. 


[01:16:34] LHL: Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Maker's Fest today for these little mini-interviews. It was just so joyful.

[01:16:40] SW: It was so joyful. What a lovely day.

[01:16:43] LHL: There were so many kids that were really, really eager to get in front of the mic and some that were a little shy but then came out of their shell.

[01:16:49] SW: Yep. Absolutely. Some of them were absolutely hilarious. Some of them said some surprisingly insightful things. Wonderful little humans.

[01:16:59] LHL: I really appreciate the creativity and imagination that kids just innately have. And it comes through with their conversations and with the stuff that they do. How they spend their little free time as kids that are carefree and have no responsibilities yet.

[01:17:13] SW: Absolutely. And how they answer some of these questions that like stump adults. Like their favorite sound. Some of the kids were right on it.

[01:17:19] LHL: I know. And, apparently, lavender is really big right now. The color purple is really big. Spider-Man. Spider-Man never goes out of style. He's always fly.

[01:17:28] SW: It's totally true. Totally true. 

[01:17:30] LHL: See what I did there? He's always fly? Spider-Man? 

[01:17:30] SW: Totally. He's always fly. Yeah. 

[01:17:32] LHL: Good? 

[01:17:33] SW: Yeah. Good one, Laura.

[01:17:35] LHL: It's not good if you have to explain it. 

[01:17:38] SW: We had a really, really, really fun day at the Maker's Festival. Big thank you to the New Hampshire Children's Museum for having us. 

[01:17:46] LHL: And thank you for listening.

[01:17:47] SW: If you enjoyed listening and you're not already, you should follow us on social media. You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and even LinkedIn. Our handle is Creative Puts podcast. You can also pop over to our website to learn more. That's

[01:18:01] LHL: And if you'd like to support the show, you can do that through many ways. You can make a tax-deductible donation. You can review us. You can share it with a friend who you think might like it.

[01:18:12] SW: Or buy some sick merch.

[01:18:13] LHL: Or buy some awesome merch. We've got lots of options now in our TeePublic store. Whatever you're able to do to help support Creative Guts, we appreciate you.

[01:18:22] SW: Thank you for tuning in. We'll be back next Wednesday with another episode of Creative Guts. With that – 

[01:18:27] LHL & SW: Show us your creative guts.